chapter three

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Ash-Leigh Badu

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Ash-Leigh Badu

I wrap my blanket tighter around my body as the temperature in the room rudely wakes me from my sleep. Something told me to close the window last night but I was clearly too lazy to do that. I pull the blanket over my head, hiding my body completely as I try to create my own warmth and possibly drift off into another reality because lord knows I can't face this one right now.

I can't say bye to aunt Ada

I can't because I don't want to. I left for years without saying a word to anyone except Maurice and now that I'm back here I'm forced to say goodbye to someone I love far too much. I mean aunt Ada was my favorite aunt. As a kid she was always there for us especially after our dad passed away. She's literally the reason Maurice, Taylor and I were still able to grow up around one another. It wasn't her faint that our dad had a baby mama in damn there every city but she made sure that none of us lost touch after dad's passing.

I remember her taking long drives just to see us and have us all under the same roof because it was a promise she kept to our dad. He never wanted us to be separated from each other. We may have grown up in different households but regardless of that, we were getting our weekend together; she made sure of it. It just hurts me knowing that with my beaucoup hurt feelings,I dropped everything and ran.

I ran away from my family over a heartbreak and for what exactly? To come back and see that an important piece of the puzzle is now missing? I begin to rub my eyes as an attempt to stop them from watering. Lord knows that I just want to lay in bed and cry all day about the missed opportunities I had over these last few years but, I know deep down aunt Ada nor my dad would want that so I suck it up.

I push the blankets back and look out the window at the dark clouds blocking the sun's rays; only to replace them with nothing but dark, coldness. For it to be eight thirty in the morning it honestly looked like it was midnight.

I climb out of bed and make my way down the hall to the bathroom. "Hurry up, I gotta pee!" I shout while hitting the bathroom door repeatedly. Lord I'm getting flashbacks of beig late to school all because pretty boy Maurice wants to spends two hours staring at himself in the mirror as if he already don't know what he look like.

"I will piss on your damn floor." I threaten as I start to shuffle my feet back and forth, trying my hardest to not let my bladder empty out all on this wooden floor. A few moments later the door opens and Maurice steps out fully clothed "Still the last damn one to wake up, I see." He mumbles, stepping past me. I roll my eyes at his comment and rush into the bathroom to get started with my morning routine which was just a quick shower along with my skin and hair care. I step out the about twenty minutes later into a now warm apartment and walk over to my duffle bag filled with my clothes I had from this trip. The sad part is none of these outfits are funeral appropriate; I came back here with outfits I planned on shaking my ass in.

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