Handshake Deals

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The next few days of preparation made it difficult to be around Johnny. With less than ten days before the timeline reset, the dread you felt was unmatched.

If you could've told your past self that you would genuinely grow to love Johnny, she would have laughed at you. When you first moved here, all you wanted was to get him out of your hair. But looking back on it now, you were equally as guilty and bothersome. The truth of it all was that you found each other right where you needed to be.

So it didn't seem fair that it would be ripped away from you so quickly.

You sat in the back of English class, fidgeting with your pencil. Out of the corner of your eye, Johnny peaked over to copy your notes. Even in your daze, you saw his face fall as he looked from the paper and up to your face.

"Why aren't you taking any notes? That's so not like you, princess."

You continued to stare forward. "Didn't feel like it." Why does it matter if all of this reality is just going to disappear anyway?

"You're not even saying anything about the princess comment?" He reached up and held a hand to your forehead, mimicking search for a fever.

You stifled a weak laugh as you drew your eyes away from the front of the class and turned to Johnny.

"You're not even going to judge the fact that I'm not taking notes? Shouldn't you be shaming me for my lack of effort?" Johnny smiled.

"Why should I?"

"Okay, you really must not be feeling well. Do I need to get the nurse?"

"I'm fine."

"You know, you've been saying that lately, but I don't believe it."

You nodded your head subtly as the hand he held to your forehead, traced down your cheek. He cupped the side of your face gently, his eyes bearing into yours desperately. "Talk to me."

Swallowing hard, you had to fight back rising tears. "I can't."

"You keep using that excuse and in all honesty, it's getting pretty boring."

"Johnny, if I could tell you, I would."

"What's stopping you?"

You felt an idea coming on, and the school bell ringing to signal the dismissal of that class rung as you sat up a little straighter. You felt as though a lightbulb could be physically seen lighting up over your head like a halo.

What was stopping you?


Before, you were constantly looking over your shoulder, fearing the threats that had come your way. You were sworn to secrecy on many occasions, all of which you kept your word. But Johnny deserved to know the truth. Because once the timeline was reset, there would be no remnants of this moment. You still had a chance to be open and vulnerable with him. A chance to tell him everything and end your timeline with a clear heart and mind. You didn't want to leave your story on a cliffhanger.

As your heart pounded, you almost forgot it was time to rotate classes. You followed Johnny out on shaky legs.

There were multiple occasions where you wanted to open your mouth and speak, but where would you even start?

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