Chapter Thirty Three

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Harry Styles

I saw her face drop and after hearing it was Ellen on the phone and realising what time it was back in England, I could tell exactly what her reason for calling was. My heart broke for her, I saw Halles entire world come shattering down in front of her right before my eyes. 

Halle dropped the phone and her legs gave in. The phone was hanging on it's chord whilst Harry fell to a heap on the ground in total shock. I rushed over immediately, and Halle's eyes began to well up, I could see the total heartache on her face. I just didn't know what I could do to make this any better for her.

I crouched down to her and looked her in the eye, she shook her head and the tears came spilling out. She burst into a cry with her head falling on top of her knees which were right up at her chest. In an attempt to help, I picked up my phone and held it to my ear, only to be met with the sounds of her sister's muffled crying.

"Ellen? Ellen, it's Harry." I say into the phone with my voice cracking as I did.

"Are you with her?" she asked me through a cry, and it made it very difficult for me to hold back my own tears.

"Yeah," I said, sitting down right next to Halle and rubbing circles onto her back just like my mum would do if I was in this position, "Yeah,I've got her."

"Thanks uh...just erm, call back soon, please look after her." She cried. "Tell her we need her home."

"I will, I will Ellen I promise." I said, talking not just to her sister but Halle too. "Ellen? Is there somebody there with you right now? Do you have company?"

"Yeah, I do. I'm gonna go and erm, just can you stay with Halle until she comes round? Please."

"Course I can, absolutely. Look after yourself, yeah?" I spoke into the phone, but instead of an answer I got a cry and then the phone call ended.

I placed the phone back up on it's stand, and shuffled around so I could pull Halle cautiously into my chest. She let her head rest against chest as she began  to sob into my arms. It made my heart ache just hearing her upset, but knowing the circumstances of the pain shes dealing with, it makes it a whole lot worse.

She loves her dad, he's her best friend in the entire world and I can't imagine just how hurt she is right now. I've met him, and he was the nicest guy I think I've met in my life. The bond they have is like no other, and even though I didn't get to see much of him, it's no secret just how sacred the bond he has with his two daughters is.

I started to rock her back and forth, kissing her on the head for reassurance as if I had the power to begin to piece back her shattered heart. I don't think I can, because that's something Halle needs to do on her own, but I sure will be here keeping every single piece safe as she slowly places the pieces back into its place.

With each cry she let out, I felt my own heart break a little. I wish there was something I could do, something that would stop her tears and mend her broken heart, but I don't know what. No matter how hard I think, I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to fix this.

My own eyes started to well up and all I did was hold her closer, trying to show her I'm here for her because I can't imagine how difficult this is for her, especially considering she's so far away from home. Having to find out something like that over a phone call must have been so incredibly hard to hear.

Watching her on the phone with her sister, I saw her face drain of colour and then her legs gave in, then she was on the floor in a heap looking paler than ever, unsure of whether to cry or scream. It broke my heart seeing it, I can't bear to imagine what she felt.

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