Chapter Thirty Six

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Harry Styles

Halle and I are heading home today. Well, not home, back to Los Angeles.

Yesterday was Halles dad's funeral, and Halle did a lot better than I thought she would. It was nice seeing her smile, talking to people who knew her dad and thinking about all the happy things rather than focussing on the sad.

At night, she was so tired and I helped her, her sister and her sister's boyfriend tidy up the cafe place they had rented for the afternoon. Halle and I went for dinner to a little restaurant in the village, and then we spent the evening at her sister's house where she was staying.

I stayed over again, she asked me to. There were a few tears that evening, understandably. It was a really hard day for her and I didn't mind sitting there wiping her tears away, I'd do it every day if she asked me to.

This morning she woke up and seemed to be in lighter spirits. She smiled across the pillows at me and kissed me without feeling like she couldn't. She's still heartbroken, I can tell, but day by day she's been getting better, I think. She's been smiling more anyway.

I left her to sort her stuff and spend her morning with her sister as I went home to my mum to pack up my things. Our flight isn't until four in the afternoon so I just left her to it. She needs her alone time too, and I've been conscious of giving her that.

My mum made me breakfast, a full English breakfast. In America, there are restaurants that offer an 'english' breakfast, but nothing compares to the breakfast my mum makes. Nothing ever compares to being home. I've not had a cup of tea this good in forever.

I should come home more often, I've missed it.

My mum was sitting opposite me with her cup of coffee and the book she's reading. It's some period drama romance thing, not my kinda thing, but she has given me a book to read on the plane about a singer who died when he was shot by a journalist. Which is extremely uplifting considering I am a singer...

"How's Halle this morning?" My mum asked me, folding the page in her book and placing it down flat on the table.

"She's alright." I sigh, "I don't know, she's hard to read, but she's doing better anyway. Slowly but surely."

My mum smiled, "Bless her. She's such a sweetheart."

"Yeah," I agreed, taking a bite from my slice of toast as my mum looked at me with eyes full of hope and pride, that look parents wear when their child says they have their first school crush. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing." She chuckled, "What happens when you go back to LA? You better not just ditch her Harry, she-"

"Jesus mum." I cut her off, "No? Why would I?"

My mum just sighs, and then takes away the plate I'm still eating from despite not being finished, because god forbid my mums precious cleaning schedule gets disrupted. I mean, I am her only child who lives in America for most of the year, but still. God forbid I disrupt her busy schedule.

"Take care of her, but be careful Harry because if you go too far and it all comes crumbling down, you won't forgive yourself." She says, raising her eyebrows at me. "She really cares about you.2

"I care about her!" I say back defensively, with a mouth full of toast to which my mum scowled at me. "Sorry."

"I know, but just be careful, yeah? I know you will be, and I know you care about her but just be careful." Mum smiles, standing next to me with her hand on my shoulder. "And please call home at least once a week. I do miss you, you know."

The whole thing with Hallle and her dad really has put into perspective that sometimes, I do take my mum for granted. Maybe I don't call home enough, and I don't come her when I can, but I love her, and she's the only family that I have so I suppose I better start appreciating her more.

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