Chapter Fifty Eight

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Halle Henry

I went for lunch with Mick and I'm feeling better now. I don't know why I was all emotional and anxious when I woke up this morning. I called my sister too, that helped a lot. I miss home, I think that's my problem, I'm a little homesick. I'll be back there soon though, everything will be better then.

Harry called and asked if I was busy, obviously I'm not so I'm going to see him, in the sunset apartments...which is kind of terrifying considering I've not stepped foot in there since I left. If I turn up there then everyone knows we're a thing as I quite literally have no purpose there.

He said to meet him at 4, and I panicked so left at 3.45 forgetting it takes two minutes to walk there. So I stood round the corner like an idiot smoking and pretending I was just some person standing having a smoke. I even wore a baseball cap.

There's always fucking press outside that building and the second I get papped going into the apartments it's kind of game over. Then again, I'm not sure what a cap is supposed to do.

I suppose I could say I left something there, that I forgot about for over a month.

I swear I never used to overthink this much, I mean, I'm just Halle Henry, paying a visit to her old neighbours.

At 3.55, I took a deep breath and went inside. Some journalist asked me why I was going in, and if I have regular sex with Harry Styles, which was an awfully strange thing to ask so I just laughed at him. I couldn't help it. I really do admire the bravery of some of these tabloid related people.

Surprisingly, going inside the only person that saw was the security guys, who didn't even bat an eyelid to be honest. Sometimes I think there could be a robbery and the security wouldn't even realise.

When Harry opened the door, he looked tired, really tired. There were bags under his eyes and they looked a little red too. I'd say he's high, but I can't smell anything so perhaps he's just tired or had something stressful going on earlier in his meetings. We didn't really get much sleep last night so I don't blame him.

"Hey," I smiled, only receiving half a smile back from Harry as he stepped aside to let me in. "You alright?" I asked as I sat on his couch, expecting him to come sit next to me or something.

Instead he stayed by the door, leaning on it after it shut with his arms crossed and a look of dread on his face which sent me into an internal panic, because that's all my mind seems to do these days when something that isn't 100% normal happens.

Harry gets emotional during sex and I start thinking he doesn't love me anymore. Harry gets up to shower before waking me and I think he's left without saying goodbye. Harry runs late to his meeting and I think I've done something to send him running out the door.

Relax Halle, he's just tired.

"Hal, I have to talk to you...and there's a lot I need to tell you." He sighed, walking over to sit on the couch, at the opposite side of it, fiddling with his rings and chewing the insides of his cheeks.

"Okay, well no pressure..." I said, swallowing my irrational nerves away with a smile. "You can say whatever you like and you know you can take your time and...yeah, I'll just listen and if you need anything then you know...just say."

Harry nodded, sitting with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands, pinching the top of his nose between his two pretty green eyes. It started to worry me. I hope he's okay. I really do hope he's okay.

"Right erm...months ago, like I'm talking when you first came on tour and we made that whole friendship deal thing for publicity to become the iconic duo of the seventies." He said, sitting up right and going back to twisting his rings. "We made different deals."

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