Do I Want a Boyfriend?

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The first thing that came to mind after doing homework was Joshua. School had never been great for me. All middle school memories lead to those sad and unfortunate events I had to face. But, I was expecting a lot from high school. I wanted good grades, good friends, a peaceful life and maybe a boyfriend too.

I was excited at the thought of walking to school with Joshua. So much, that I was constantly smiling the rest of the day. Even my mother told me that I looked liked a clown smiling at the ceiling. I went to sleep early because I didn't want to be late the next day.


I was all set to go to school. Properly dressed, bag packed and I even applied a darker shade of lip tint today. I check the time and rush outside to see Joshua waiting there for me. Punctual. He looked so mesmerizing, sitting on the porch observing the nature. He was so immersed that he did not even realize that I was standing there, admiring his presence.

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