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I knock on Ricky's door, I've told Owen to stay in the car, I know for a fact this will get ugly. "Hey...Salem? Did you finally decide that you wanted to talk?" He smirks and brushes his blue hair out of his eyes, "No." I growl at him, "Where's Dean?" I hiss at him, Ricky smirks. "I sent him back to that disgusting Neko house...after I beat and raped the shit out of him." Ricky laughs, that's it. "You disgusting piece of shit!" I scream before pulling him by his shirt and pulling him closer to me, Ricky laughs. "Dean told me to stop...but I kept going. The way I kept going with all those hookers I fucked when I was with you!" Ricky laughs out, I let go of him and clench my jaw. "You're a putrid excuse for a piece of flesh." I growl before punching him ringgit in the face, Ricky stumbles back. That's when I get on top of him and start punching his face until I see red.

"You sick fuck!" I growl and stand up and try kicking him, Ricky groans and starts coughing up blood. That's when I stop and spit on him before leaving. I get in the car angrily and don't say a word as I zoom to the Neko house, I hope Dean is still there. Owen keeps quite, he knows I'm angry. "Salem?" Owen whispers softly, "Dean is at the Neko house." I say quickly through gritted teeth, I can see Owen nod from the corner of my eyes. I'm not going to tell Him what Ricky did to him, it'll break his heart. I quickly call Josh as I drive down the road, "Don't talk just listen." I say before he can even get a word in, "Go to the Neko house. I'll be there. I need you to go. Lock up the parlor and tell everyone you're running an errand. You need to be thee in the next five minutes." I say through the phone, "Okay Salem." Josh says before hanging up.

Hopefully Dean hasn't been bought yet, so Josh may be able to buy him. I'll even give him money to. I won't let Dean be neglected like that every again, and I know Josh likes him and will take care of him. I push on the gas, needing to get there faster. I need to save Dean. For Owen.

~Owen's POV~

I saw Salem beat up Ricky, I wonder what he said to him? That's not important right now, Dean is. He's in the Neko house and It may be possible that he's already bought. I don't want to think that, I can't. My hands are shaking and my ears keep twitching, I'm so nervous. I just want to know that Dean is okay.

Once we get to the Neko house, I sigh shakily. "Come on, Kitten." Salem whispers, I nod my head and get out of the car. Salem laces his bloody hand in mine as we enter the building, I don't really mind. I hate this place. As we enter you can hear the hissing and meowing of Neko's I shiver and clutch in to Salem. "It's okay, Kitten. No ones going to hurt or take you away from me." Salem whispers and kisses my nose, I nod my head as we go to the office.

As soon as Josh gets here, we proceed to try and finding Dean. I look through the small cages that hold Neko's, feeling sorry for everyone of them. As I get to the last cage I grow nervous, I peer closer. As soon as I do I regret it. It's Dean. He's bruised up, with cuts everywhere, and he looks so horrible, he's sleeping. Tears stream down my face as I feel Salem behind me. "I'm sorry." He whispers from behind me as I cry, he wraps his arms around me as Josh goes get someone to unlock Dean's cage. "Dean." I sob out, and start to shake.

How could someone do this to him? Dean's so kind, and, smart and amazing. I can't imagine hurting him. I grit my teeth together, I will have Ricky's head. I will not let this slide, I want him to feel the pain Dean did. I want him to suffer. I want him to beg and feel small the same way he made Dean do and feel. How the hell is this okay?!

I watch as Dean moans in his sleep, clutching his stomach. I kneel beside him, Salem breathes out shakily. "Dean...Dean I'm here." I whisper, Dean looks up slowly. A smile on his face, "Owen! I knew you'd come. Hey Salem." He says and sits up slowly, cringing in pain. "Hey Dean." Salem says sadly, and kneels beside me. "I was too late. Look what he did to you, I'm so sorry Dean. I'm so sorry." I start to cry again, "No Owen. Don't cry. I'm okay. I'm glad you're here, please don't cry." Dean mutters and presses his hand against the cage, I sniffle and place my hand on the cage as well. "All that matters is that you're here now." Dean whispers, I nod my head. "Josh is here too, he's going to buy you." I say to Dean, who blushes lightly. "Really?" He says with a smile, even when he's going through hell he smiles. He's amazing. "Yeah, Salem called him and be accepted of course." I wipe my tears away.

Josh comes, which makes Salem pick me up and carry me in his arms as Josh unlocks the cage. "I missed you." Josh says as Dean slowly crawls out, he smiles up at him. "I missed you too, Josh." He blushes as Josh carefully picks him up. He has bruises everywhere, it breaks my heart. I look up and bury my Face in Salem's neck, "He's going to be okay now Owen. You saved him." Salem whispers to me, I nod my head softly as he wraps his arms around me tighter. I sigh shakily, I guess I did help Dean. Someone else could have bought him before Josh.

I'm just glad he's safe now...

Sorry for short chapter and long wait >.<

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