Can You Feel My Heart?

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After eating lunch with Salem, we clean up the kitchen to go out. Salem says we'll be going to an arcade. I have no idea what that is but he says it's at the mall, which means a lot of people. I shudder not liking the idea, people freak me out. Salem notices and rubs the back of my hand with his thumb, his hand's laced in mine. "Don't worry Owen, you'll be with me always. No ones going to hurt you, I promise." Salem says as we park, I sigh shakily. "Okay Salem." I smile as he gets out of the car and comes to open my door, instead of collaring me like always he laces his hand in mine. "Your not my pet, your my friend." Salem smiles, "But I still would like you to wear the collar, I'll only use to leash when its completely necessary." He whispers and puts his hand on the small of my back. Salem leads us into the huge mall that's filled with people. Salem wraps an arm around my waist, keeping me closer to him. I feel people staring at me, I bite my lip and duck my head. Have they never seen a Neko before?

Salem pushes my into a dim lit room, I see blinking lights and some teenagers around my age yelling and touching screens as well and turning knobs of all sorts. "This is the arcade, it's a lot of games. Come on, I'll show you how to play." Salem says and laces his hand in mine, and drags me towards what I guess is a game. It's a long table, and there's one small lime green that's almost glowing in the center. Salem pulls me to one end and he goes to the other, I watch as he grabs a little weird looking thing. "You use this to slide the disk, like this." Salem uses the weird object and slides the disk to my end, where is disappears. I furrow my eyebrows, "There's a small slit that it's suppose to go in. Once it slides in, I get one point. You have to push the disk away so that it doesn't go in. Otherwise I'll win. The disk is in a little cup holder looking thing." Salem tells me, I look for it and take the disk out, and place It back on the table. "Now push the disk and try putting it in my slit, make sure to protect yours too, okay?" Salem smiles, I nod my head and push my disk toward him. Salem easily pushes my disk back to me, but I push it back and watch it float on the table. I like this game.

"Look at you go." Salem chuckles when the disk slides into his slit, giving me one point. I smile at myself and bite my lip, this is so fun. Salem and I do this for awhile, until the score is 9-9. One more point and either of us could win, "Last time." Salem winks at me, causing my heartbeat to beat faster. I bite my lip and protect my slit as I push the disk away. Salem deflects the disk from going into his slit, which makes me push the disk harder. Wanting it to go in. Finally Salem loses his guard and my disk slides in, the whole table glows with multicolored lights that blink, and plays an electronic song. I giggle and put my hands over my lips, Salem runs towards me and picks me up by my waist, and spins me around. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck as he continues to spin us around, "Salem!" I squeal and bury my face in his neck. Salem laughs and kisses my face all over, I blush and feel myself turn to mush.

"Fags!" Someone yells and I hear several people start laughing, Salem growls and puts me back down on my feet. "What did you say, you immature twat?" Salem spits out and pushes me behind his back, I grip the chains on his jeans and watch as several boys make there way towards us. What's happening? I bite my lip and stay behind Salem. "I said, Fags!" The boy in the middle laughs out, making the other two boys laugh as well. "You putrid excuse for a human, how dare you be so homophobic?!" Salem growls making the other guys stop laughing, Salem takes a step forward causing me to whimper. Salem's getting mad, I can tell by the way his body is shaking and how his hands are balled into fists. "Salem..." I whisper softly, and bite my lip harder.

"Listen to your little boyfriend." The boy to the left of the middle boy says with a smirk. "Leave us alone, I wouldn't want to do something that'll have you all in the emergency room." Salem snarls, the boys take a step back. "We homosexuals don't go off judging heterosexual relationships, so why do you? Why? I can't help myself for liking what I do, because I just do. You can't make yourself turn gay, because you like girls. That's the same with me! Now fuck off, you disgusting parasites!" Salem yells and takes a quick step towards them, quickly do the boys sprint away. Salem growls and turns to face me, "I'm so sorry." Salem whispers and presses his lips against mine, I kiss him back but he pulls away too soon. He's still shaking with anger. "What happened? Why did the yell at us like that?" I whisper softly as Salem cups my face in his hands. "People...people don't understand people like you and me. I'll explain later, I just want to get out of here." Salem says darkly, I nod my head and feel Salem wrap an arm around me as we exit the mall quickly.

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