Sleep Walking

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After cleaning Salem's thighs and wrapping them up, I take the glass out off his hand and legs with some tweezers. Once I'm done with that I wrap them up as well, before cleaning the kitchen and guiding him into the room. He still smells weird but is no longer crying, he just can't keep his balance. I slowly lay him in bed, Salem grumbles and takes his sweater off before closing his eyes and snuggling the pillow beside him. I sigh and go into the bathroom, I see something glisten on the ground. It's then that I see red blood, my mouth slightly drops as I pick up the sharp little blade in my hand. It has blood, my mind makes a connection that Salem didn't tell me. He cut himself with the blade. Tears leak out of my eyes a I throw away the razor, why would Salem hurt himself? He's so perfect and looks happy. He only told me he was suicidal because his sister had hung herself, but that's it. I can understand him being suicidal, but hurting himself? It's so unimaginable.

The ring that we heard earlier made Salem leave me, I fell asleep and then I heard a scream and a shatter. What happened? I bite my lip and walk back into the room, I'm hungry. I kiss Salem's cheek before walking downstairs and grabbing two slices of pizza and popping them in the microwave. Once I hear the ding I grab my pizza and munch on it while walking back upstairs. I finish off the pizza and throw away the plastic plate I used, in a trash can. I wonder if I should warm something up for Salem?

Going back into his room, he's still passed out asleep. I bite my lip as I crawl into bed with him, his arms tangle me in and pull my closer. I smile and wrap my arms around Salem and close my eyes. I hope tomorrow is a better day.

~Next Morning~

I wake with in cold arms, I flutter my eyes open to see Salem's wet hair and his green eyes watching at me. "Good morning Owen." He whispers huskily, he smells good and not bitter. "Good morning Master, how are you doing today?" I ask and sit up I bed, Salem is already dressed. He's wearing simple black skinny jeans, a white v neck long sleeve that's translucent and shows off his tattoos, his usual chains and studded belts, and his hoop piercings on the corner of his lips. His eyeliner is thick around his eyes, they look lovely. "I'm okay, just a little gloomy." Salem says while playing with rings on his fingers and looking down.

I purse my lips and scoot closer to him, putting my hand on his thigh. Salem sighs, and looks into my eyes. "Master I know I'm just a Neko but I understand things. If you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here for you." I say with a small smile on my lips, Salem smiles back at me wearily. "Thanks Kitten, it's just complicated and a long story." He mutters and fiddles with his rings. "I have time." I say softly, Salem smiles. A real smile. "Let's go make breakfast and I'll tell you then. Okay?" He raises an eyebrow, I nod my head and slip out of bed with him. "I'm sorry you didn't get the chance to bath yesterday, if you want we can do that after we eat. I'm also sorry we didn't go out, Kitten." He whispers and grips my hips and pulls me closer. I feel heat rise in my cheeks, "That's fine Master, I'm just going to brush my teeth." I whisper, Salem nods and kisses my cheek. He leaves his lips on my skin for awhile longer before leaving. I sigh shakily and go into the bathroom, I brush my teeth and hair before walking out and downstairs.

The smell of food makes my mouth water, it smells sweet. I see Salem getting plates and putting fruit on them. "I'm making cinnamon rolls." Salem whispers as I walk towards him, his hair is damp now. "That's great Master." I smile and blush when Salem coils his arms around me, I duck my head but he lifts my chin. His eyes close and I copy him, I feel his lips against mine. They taste sweet and minty, I kiss him deeper wanting to feel his tongue piercing.

As if Salem read my mind he slips his tongue in, moan against the kiss and knot my fingers on his hair to keep myself from falling. This feeling is euphoric. I could do this forever and be completely happy. I suck on Salem's lip ring making him groan before biting my bottom lip and pulling away. I whimper and pout, making Salem laugh and kiss my lips again, passionately.

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