Hospital For Souls

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The next day at school someone yanks on my tail. I whimper and turn to face a guy whose smirking at me. "Come here kitten." He chuckles as the guys behind laugh, I clench my jaw. Only Salem can call me Kitten. "Let me go." I growl at him, he simply smiles at me. "I wanna have a go. I bet your Master has all kinds of fun with you. I just wanna a little taste." He teases as he takes a step closer. I bite my lip and wish I hadn't gone out of the classroom to use the restroom. Why can't the bell ring already so the hall can be filled with students. "No, Let me go." I whisper as he yanks harshly at my tail, causing me to cry out in pain as he pulls me closer to him. He caresses my face making me flinch, "Get off him." I hear Dean snarl as he comes from behind me and shoves the guy off me. I pull my tail to me and stroke it with my hand. It hurts.

"Don't touch him again." Dean growls at the guy, who simply clenches his jaw before leaving. "Are you okay, Owen?" He whispers softly and looks at my tail. A tear escapes my eye. "I-It hurts." I sniffle and start to cry, Dean purses his lips and leads us to the office. "My stuff's in the class." I say as we pass the class. "Don't worry about it. I'll get it later." Dean reassures as we enter the office, I wipe the tears off my face. "Where's the nurse?" Dean asks the lady behind a desk, "Down the hall to the left." Dean nods before he leads us that way. He knocks on the nurse's door and we wait. "Come in." We hear an old women say through the door, Dean pushes the door open and leads us inside. "My friend Owen may have a bruised or fractured tail." Dean tells the nice looking lady as I sit down on the bed looking thing. It looks like the doctors office in here. Is she going to put a needle in my arm? I grip the chains on Dean's jeans. "It's okay Owen. I'll stay if you'd like." Dean whispers softly, I nod slowly. He smiles. "How did this happen?" The lady whispers as she inspects my tail, I meow in pain when she touches it. "I'm sorry sweetheart." She gives me a smile before examining my tail. I grip the chains on Dean's jeans until my knuckles are white. It hurts so much.

"A guy was yanking at his tail. I don't know what they were fighting about, but he was touching Owen's face and whispering to him." I bite my lip as Dean talks, I don't want Salem to find out about this. He told me not to let anyone touch me the way he does, he'll be so angry with me. He'll punish me. Oh no, what have I done? "What did he want, sweetheart?" The nurse asks me, I blink away tears. "He said he wanted to have a go with me, that he wanted a taste because he thinks my Master has fun with me." I bite my lip harder feeling embarrassed. "I think we should get the principle involved with this. " The nurse furrows her eyebrows as she hands me a lollipop, which happens to be blue. My favorite. "I'll go get him." Dean says but I still have a grip on his jeans, he smiles lightly.

"Don't worry, Owen. Just stay with Mrs.Crow." He whispers before I let go of his chains and he leaves. I sigh shakily. "Will you tell, Salem?" I ask worriedly. "Is that your Master?" Mrs.Crow whispers as she bandages up the spot where my tail hurts the most. I hiss out and clutch the bed. "Yes, that's my Master." I say through clenched teeth. "Then yes, we'll have to call him." She mutters. I swallow hard and almost choke on my lollipop. "Easy sweetheart, you'll choke." Mrs.Crow pats my back before she goes off to her phone. She skims through a book until she starts dialing a number. "Is this Salem Snake?" The nurse asks, and there's a pause. "Owen has had an incident." She mutters, and I feel like I'm going to throw up. Oh hell. Salem's going to punish me. Oh no!

I stroke my tail wanting for the pain to go away as I sit in the principle's office. "Owen? Owen? Where's My Owen?" I hear Salem through the door, my ears perk up at the sound of his silky voice. Did he say My Owen? That made my heart flutter, I really hope he's not too mad at me. "Owen." Salem breathes out when the door opens, "Salem." I smile as he basically throws himself at me, I wrap my arms around his neck as Salem kisses my hair. "When I got the call and heard you had an incident, I about almost threw up. I can't imagine something bad happening to you. Are you okay? Where is that guy? He's going to have a talk with me!" Salem says as he pulls away from the embrace and sits in the leather chair beside me. "I'm fine, Master. Are you mad at me?" I whisper and pout my lips. "What? No. Why would I be mad?" Salem says almost in disbelief. "Because he touched me the way you do and called me Kitten. He touched my face and I told him to let me go twice and he didn't. He bruised my tail and I didn't know what to do. He said he wanted to have a go with me, and I told him no. I'm so sorry, Master. Please forgive me." I whisper as Salem leans into me and kisses my temple.

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