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"Wake up Owen, we need to get ready and eat so we can leave." Master Salem whispers in my ear, I purr softly and groggily open my eyes. I meow at him making him awe and pull me by my waist out of bed. I yawn and wrap my legs around his waist as he walks me into his closet. He sets me down on my feet, I stand their and rub my eyes. "Wear these skinny jeans, they're from when I was about fifteen. They should fit." Salem hands me some black jeans that I quickly slip on. "They fit?" Salem whispers and starts looping a long thing in my belt loops, "This is a studded belt by the way, it'll keep your jeans in place. I wear two just to accessorize." Salem informs me, "Thank you Master, and you look really nice today." I blush and glance down.

Salem awes as he goes through some Hangers. "This is a Band T-shirt, it's Bring Me The Horizon. They're my favorite." Salem whispers with a smile and pulls it over my head. That's when I remember the band. "Oh Master, I love that band! The man you met the other day would listen to them when he'd feed us." I exclaim, as I look down at the black top he put on me. "Well you have a great taste in music Owen. That just makes you so much more cuter, if that's possible." Salem whispers and runs a hand through my hair, and rubs my left ear.

I blush and bite my lip as I look up at my Master. His hair isn't as styled as it was yesterday, but he smells amazing and has something black under his eyes. It makes his green eyes stand out more, "Now let me show you how I straighten my hair." Salem smiles and picks my small figure up again, I smile and bury my face in his neck. He smells so good. We enter the bathroom and I see Something connected to the wall. He sets me down on the counter top as he sections his hair and pins it up, I giggle at him as he takes something with two metal plates, puts his hair in between them and pulls it down. The hair that didn't seem as straight, is now straight and sleek.

"It's hot, so don't touch the metal plates. See." Salem licks his fingers and swipes his finger across the plates, it hisses making my ears flatten down. "Are you hurt Master?" I whisper softy and furrow my eyebrows, "No Owen, I'm alright. Never touch them okay?" Salem urges as he finishes his hair and takes it down to straighten the rest. "I won't Master." I mutter and watch as he sprays it with something, I cough when It engulfs me.

"I'm sorry Owen, are you alright?" Salem whispers and puts the bottle down, "Yeah." I nod, "What was that Master?" I furrow my eyebrows and point at the bottle. "It's called hairspray, it keeps my hair straight and from getting out of control." Salem smiles and brushes his hair, he opens a cabinet and grabs another brush. "Brush your hair Owen." He mutters and grins at me, I do as I'm told and comb my hair. It's so freaking soft! "Master what's that black line under your eyes?" I whisper as I watch Salem put on what looks like Black water on his top and bottom eyelid, making his green eyes piercing.

"It's called waterline eyeliner, and what I just put on is called liquid eyeliner. Never put liquid eyeliner on your waterline, it'll burn. Would you like some?" Salem whispers with a smile, I nod my head. Maybe my dark blue eyes will stand out like his green ones. I close my eyes and feel Salem put liquid eyeliner on my eyelids, I giggle at the feeling. "Look up." He whisper, I do as I'm told as Salem pulls my skin down to run the waterline pencil on my waterline. "Don't blink." He mutters as I feel the liquid eyeliner underneath my eyes, I hold still and feel Salem wave his hand on my eyes. Drying them.

"Look now." Salem smiles and makes me look at the Mirror, "Woah." I gasp and stare at myself, my eyes look so pretty. Well my whole face actually looks pretty, all because of Salem. "Thank you so much Master!" I exclaim and hug him, when I notice what I did I pull away and coil my tail around my body. "I'm sorry." I mumble and look down, Salem picks me up and sets me down on the counter top. "Don't be, you can hug me when ever your cute little heart desires." Salem smiles and leans in to kiss my cheek, my heart beats faster as I blush. "Thank you." I giggle and wrap my tail around Salem, he laughs and pushes my legs apart so he's in between them.

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