Blessed With A Curse

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I play with my cat tail as I lay down in my cage. My cat ears twitch as I sigh heavily. No ones come to look at me today, and I'm glad. I never want to be someone's pet. I hear the Neko's talking about previous masters they've had. They beat them, rape them, and treat them like garbage. I luckily haven't had a master, ever. My mother gave birth to me in this horrible place, she died giving birth to me sadly, but she managed to name me. Owen. It's not the most unique name, but I love it. Knowing she named me before she died, it gives me comfort. Some masters name their pets, calling them Slaves or Sex Toys. I scrunch up my nose in disgust.

"These are younger then eighteen." The mean short man that feeds me tells another man beside him. The man is taller then him, wears all black, and has black hair that grazes his shoulder. He walks slowly to each cage, looking intently for a new pet. I scurry back in my cage, and pull my knees up to my chest. My heart beat picks up as the men come closer to my cage. "I want something new, not something used and beaten up." The man with dark hair tells the shorter man. He nods and leads him towards the front of my cage. I look down and coil my tail around my small figure.

The dark haired man looms closer, he has a hoop like thing on the right corner of his lip. His green eyes look at me intently, as he flashes his white teeth at me in a smile. "This one." He whispers huskily and presses his hand against my cage, I scurry back more not wanting him to touch me. "Alright, I'll get the collar and leash. You'll have to fill out some paper work in the front. Come along." The short man says, the dark haired man nods and follows behind him. Leaving me alone with my heart in pieces. I've been bought, as a pet. No!

The short man that feeds me comes back with a leash and a collar. I hiss and growl at him as my fangs lengthen and my fingernails on my human hands become claws. "Come here Owen." He grumbles as my ears flatten, ready to pounce him. He unlocks my cage as I shake my behind, readying myself. Once he opens the door and reaches for me, my claws latch into his arm. He cries out as I lash at him, before scurrying back in my cage and growling. "Son of a bitch! I'm bleeding!" He screams at me making me become frightened, I let my guard down and he grips my tail. Pulling me out of my cage. "Stupid Neko!" He grumbles as I try biting him but he puts the collar on me and leashes me. I hiss and growl at him, wanting to be let go as I crawl on my hands and knees.

He sprays me with water, making me stop and whimper. I hate water, unless I'm being bathed. Which isn't often that we Neko's get the privilege. Once we reach what looks like the main office, he makes me stand. I'm taller by a couple of inches, he handcuffs my wrists together suddenly. I growl lowly and glare at him, he simply curses at me before pushing me forward. The dark haired, pretty man is sitting down when we walk into a room. He stands and runs a hand through his hair.

"He's a fighter, be careful." The short man tells him, he simply smiles. "I can handle him." He says simply, I duck my head as I wrap my tail around my body. Wanting comfort. "I'm Salem, your master." He introduces himself as the short man hands him my leash, I don't look up. "Speak!" The short man hisses and sprays me with water, I whimper and drop to my knees. "He's shy is all." Salem whispers and picks me up in his arms. His scent engulfs me and makes me lose my train of thought. I don't struggle in his arms, scared of what he might do. Instead I snuggle into his neck, and bury my face there as he carries me outside, my legs wrap around his waist.

It's freezing cold, my teeth chatter as Salem presses my body up against his more. "It's alright Owen." He whispers making me calm down, he puts me Into his car and fastens something over my chest. Keeping me in place. He walks over his car and gets in, turning on warm air and turning up the volume to something with heavy guitar riffs and drum playing. The short guy always liked listening To this when he'd feed us, I remember a band I liked, I forget the name but maybe I'll remember it later.

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