Suicide Season

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Yesterday was fun with Salem, we watched almost all the Batman movies, that is until we
Passed out asleep. I yawn and stretch in bed once I sit up, Salem's still asleep. His hair is all over his face, I giggle and brush it off. Salem moans and slowly opens his green eyes, "Good morning!" He smiles weakly at me, I smile down at him and kiss his cheek. "Good morning, Master." I smile and pull away from his face, he smiles wider and sits up. Salem runs a hand through his hair and sighs, "I have work." He mutters and gets out of bed, I pout my lips. Salem walks into the bathroom, I do the same and start brushing my teeth while he does his makeup and hair. "When will you be back, Master?" I whisper as I start brushing my hair out, Salem finishes his hair by hair spraying it. "Actually you're coming with me, Owen." He whispers and stands up to go to the sink and brush his teeth. "Yay!" I exclaim and smile, I don't have to be alone.

Salem gives me a crooked smile that makes my heart melt, he rinses his mouth out and walks towards me. His arms wrap around my body and pull me into his. I stare at his tattooed chest and arms, while I feel his stare on my face. "Kiss me." Salem whispers sexily making something hot burn Inside me.
I look up and close my eyes, my lips are already pressed against Salem's as I begin to kiss him slowly and deeply. Salem grips my hips as he slips his pierced tongue in. I moan softly when he picks me up and sets me on the counter top. My arms wrap around his neck and pull him
Closer, he smiles Against the kiss and places himself in between my legs. I love when we kiss like this. It makes me weak and want more.

"O-Owen." Salem moans against my lips when I start sucking and biting his bottom lip. "S-Stop before I decide to skip w-work." He groans and cups my face, and pulls me away from his sweet lips. I blush and bite my lip. His lips are puffy and red. "Sorry, Master." I whisper and try as hard as I can not to giggle. Salem smiles and kisses the piercings on my upper lip, I sigh happily when he carries my like he usually does.

"Go and change." He whispers and sets me down on my feet. I nod my head and go to my room. I change into a Batman hoodie, black shredded skinny jeans, and my Batman Vans. I sigh and apply deodorant under my arms and grab my eyeliner from a cabinet. I apply it on my waterline slowly, I smudge it before putting my pencil eyeliner away. My blue eye stand out more now. I quickly fix my angelbite piercings before walking out of my room and into Salem's. He's changing into a dark Red hoodie with creepy lettering and creatures on the front, black skinny jeans, and his red Vans, two studded belts, and chains. "Okay let's go, Kitten." He smiles and picks me up, I smile and snuggle my face into his neck as my legs wrap around his waist. "We'll pick up breakfast on the way there." He tells me while walking downstairs. He opens the door and stops, I pick my dad up to see a guy standing in the door way.

His hair is blue, and his eyes are brown, he has two hoop piercings on one side of his lip. "What the fuck?" Salem spits out and holds me closer to him, I bite my lip. Who is this guy? "Salem I want to talk." The guy says, I finally realize who this is. I growl loudly before throwing myself at him, my nails lengthen into claws as I sink them Into the flesh on his face and neck. "Owen!" Salem gasps, I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he tries pulling me off this bastard. I snarl and hiss as the guy with blue hair screams in pain, and finally I latch my claws off him. Letting Salem pull me up by my waist and grip me hard, I glare at the bloody blue haired bitch on the floor. His wounds are oozing with red blood. I hiss at him loudly and keep my ears flatten down, the guy slowly gets up looks at me with hatred. "Stupid pussy." The guy mutters darkly, I growl and thrash in Salem's arms. I'm so angry, I'm shaking.

"Leave now Ricky, Before I decide to beat the shit out of you." Salem says in a dark voice. Ricky spits towards me before leaving, I growl lowly in my throat and soon hear the engine in his car start. Salem sighs and let's go off me, I keep my ears flatten and my jaw clenched. If I am to be punished, I don't care. "Owen...are you okay?" Salem whispers softly and tilt my chin up so that I'm looking at him. "Yes." I mutter huskily. "Are you?" I whisper and see Salem's lips purse. "Yeah. I've just never seen you so's really hot." Salem smirks causing the anger to fade and a bubbly feeling erupt inside me.

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