When He Gets Jealous

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"(Y/N), please, tell Freddy that Scrabble is just awful! Quelf is so much more fun- " Bonnie was trying to convince you to tell Freddy something or other. Right now he was right next to you, poking you with every word.

Freddy was walking down the hall, when he noticed a voice in the Office with you.

"Awww c'mon (Y/N)!!" Freddy, of course, assumed the worst. He sped up angrily. No one is going to hang out with (Y/N) without my consent.

"Bonnie, for the last time, I said NO." You replied firmly.

"Awww c'mon (Y/N)!!" He complained. This is where Freddy comes in. He stomped in the door.

"Bonnie!!! Leave (Y/N)-" His voice faltered and decreased in volume."-Alone..."

"Is someone jealousssss?" Bonnie asked, raising an eyebrow as he got up.

"N-no!! Of course not!" Freddy said nervously.

"It's alright mate." Bonnie clapped his shoulder and then whispered something in his ear before walking out the left door. It left Freddy blushing, whatever he said.

"Freddy, are you alright?" You asked.

"Uhh...Yeah.." he said eventually. You nodded.


Toy Bonnie

"(Y/N)!!!!" Toy Bonnie called out to you.

"THERE YOU ARE!!" You turned around as he called you. He was trotting after you.

"What were you doing with Freddy?" He growled.

"He was telling me where you might be..." You answered slowly.

"Huh." he said softly.

"Whatttt...? You jeallouuusss?" You teased.

"N-no~!!!" He said definatly.

"Alright..."You said, a hint of disbelief in your voice.

"Just s-shut up!!!" He turned around to hide his blushing face.


"Hi (Y/N)!!" Toy Bonnie greeted as he walked into the office. You had quickly become with friends with everyone, after Marion showed you around to everyone. They had all liked you, and so far you were best friends with Toy Bonnie.

"Hai TB!" You said cheerfully. He walked over to you, and gave you a hug, like every night.

"What's up?"

Someone ran down the hall and catapulted onto you, knocking you over for the SECOND night in a row.

"Jeez Marionette, calm down!!" Toy Bonnie said as he quckly jumped away. Marionette was hugging you protecively.

"Marion..." You groaned. "Would you stahp tipping me over, please?" You asked him.

"I'm the only one that can hug her." Marionette said to Toy Bonnie, ignoring your request.

"And this is why I never did it around you...." You muttered. You knew he'd react this way if he saw. It's just a hug! You didn't think he heard what you muttered, but he did, he just didn't acknowledge he did.

"Whatever, dude." TB said as put his hands up in mock-surrender. Marion still was holding you protectively as TB walked away.

Toy Freddy

You had stopped by the Stage before going to the Office, hoping to see Toy Freddy there. On stage you asked Toy Chico & Toy Bonnie, asking if they'd seen Toy Freddy at all.

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