Introduction of Unfinished Symphony

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A girl with a blonde white hair with a nice pale brown eyes..

I was her...

My harmony doesn't fade..

Reminicing in an intent manner, sat in the front of the table in my room while typing in my recently bought branded laptop.
I cant help thinking about those memories that I can still remember, those moments that made me the happiest person ever. Striving so hard to pin point everything that seems and once yesterday. The day that I was the happiest yet the sadedest among all.

My story starts in this bare but heart melting words.
I don't know how can I get those terms and all I know is that I'm starting to type it.

"Not all love stories, ended in happy endings, some starts with a simple words 'I love you', few started with a kiss but in reverse others painfully ends with those sincere words and actions. They were thinking that their love story was a happy ending then recently knowing that it was a wrong timing. How tragic this is!."

'You are exactly at the wrong hour, mistaken time and incorrect place. You are for each others but you are forbidden by time and situation.

But not because a story or a part in the story is either sad or tragic, the actors won't be better, right? Life and love is a real theater and we, as the real actors and directors.

"Commonly, in life we decided to give up most especially when we see that everything we do will never work. But in love, all is fair, we are just so ignorant not to notice that. Sometimes the thing that you believe to be 'the END' is 'the BEGINNING' for new series to make. It is because the paper that we used to write on to, is in our individual hands. We also had our own figurative pencil that we are currently using in creating, drawing, writing and expressing those things that we want to do in our lives."

Truly, it is in the hands of the people to do and manipulte things to make it right and in order. The important is that person never cease and ain't surrender.

"The way how a story start?, I believe that it is not really important. The interesting part is what knowledge, lessons and values in life that the part of the story, the conflicts and the scenarios in every chapter of our lives shares."

We will never know what's next in life, ain't right? It's rude to imply uncertainity because it is possible that the unfinished ending o tragic ending of a person can be the starting point of the better or even the best things that we aren't expecting 'cause life is surprising.

So there's no harm on waiting the right timing until it reorganize the unchained notes that are recorded in our hearts and minds.? Truly hard but in time, the Melody can be reformat....

All we need to do is to trust and believing that, this day will come. Unfortunately, we see that it will not and this trust and believing is just a waste of time.

But even we lost every bit of hope in literal manner, we just only need a couple of time for the pain to stop and continue as life goes on...

It is like the music of orchestra, if you knew you entered it wrongly, for sure, you can find the right note that is accurate in your hearing sensations.

"The waiting for the right timing is applicable not only in the presence of orchestra but also in the bare music of the heart, you can end it orderly if you will find the best person that will continue to inspire you in pushing the keyboard of life."

I open the drawer at my table and I saw the thing that connect us both --- the G-clef necklace.

I take that moment to look at it intently. I never expect that this thing was from him. It was just a miracle! The firm connection and the innersection of our life-journey. Its amazing...

I write this piece to share my own life story...
No.. Our own story, because I was with him in making every bit of plot that makes this story wonderful.
Eventhough, many awful thing happened in the past and he's gone, I had a full strenght in writing this old piece for me to remember that there was a time that the person that I love, who had loved me back and loving me forever the same as I do love him for eternity. Until now, no one can fill the vacant spaces in my heart. He was my Greatest Love.

He was the first and the last.
He's the only one.
He's my everlasting North, my North star and my brightest star in the universe.

Though time passed by like howling wind, I still remember his handsome face, its features and everything. The seductive scent of his dark brown hair. The tight, warm and caring hug of him and the adoring smile that was painted in his lips. The perfection of his kind eyes that catches my attention for the first time. I still miss all of those memory. No, I miss him exactly. Everything that I can see, almost all, I'd remember him. I love him because of those.

Before I start, I would like to introduce myself to you...
I am Melody, Peachy and also Harmony...
Yhe reason why it happened, Let me state it to you..
I'm hoping that my story will inspire you...

© Anneriche'

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