Chapter 3

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The duo walked back to class, sitting through the last two subjects of the day before heading to the front of the school. As they approached the front gate, Y/n held his hand horizontally in front of Minju causing her to stop in her tracks.

Minju looked to her left, "What's up?"

"Step back."

Minju furrowed her eyes, "O-Okay?"

Around the corner, three relatively tall people, including Sung, appeared in front of Y/n.

"Well, if we don't have Dumbass, grunt one and grunt two."

Sung cracked his knuckles, "I think it's about time we taught you a lesson."

"Are you retarded or something? Did that fall actually give you brain damage?"

"Are you only capable of flinging insults?"

"I just flung you to the ground earlier today. Did you lose your memory from that? No- You're just braindead. How did you progress through school?"

Y/n extended his arms.

"Look around you. There are people everywhere, and teachers are watching us. You throw one punch and not only are you going to be kissing the dirt, but you're also going to get humiliated and in trouble. Take all the time you need to think about this."

Sung scanned the courtyard causing Y/n to nod his head in a taunting fashion.

"Yeaaaah, there you go!! Look at these people and show me that your koala brain isn't actually smooth like butter!"

A suppressed laugh from Minju caught Sung's ear, snipping any form of reasonableness from his brain.

"That's it."

Observing his body language, Y/n closed his eyes, shaking his head as he looked towards the sky.

"Lord have mercy on this poor child."

Without opening his eyes, Y/n leveled his face, taking a deep breath. Noticing that her new friend stood perfectly still, Minju gasped, stepping forward. Before she could make any distance, Sung slammed his fist into Y/n's forehead. A loud cracking sound filled the air, alerting all in the area.


As Sung recoiled in pain, Y/n opened his eyes slowly, looking at Sung with an expressionless gaze.

"Does that prove anything to you? You can't even hurt me. You hurt yourself trying to hurt me. You're lucky I didn't retaliate."

Y/n resumed his gait with the timid Minju walking behind the boy.

"If any of you lay a finger on Minju, it's lights. Do you understand? I will put you on a shirt so god damned fast, your family won't have time to mourn your death. If you even look at Minju, you'll be reeling in agony. Do you understand?"

The two students beside Sung watched as the pair walked past them with Sung looking up from the ground.


Sung clicked his tongue, "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Asked one of the accompanying students.

"To trail them of course."

"Are you sure? If we get into an altercation with him, we will for sure lose."

"We don't have to get into an altercation with him if we have a hostage."

"Isn't that a little too far? Minju didn't do anything wrong..."

"We won't harm her, we'll just humiliate Y/n."

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