Chapter 4

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Y/n jumped from rooftop to rooftop scanning the area for suspicious activity.


Without a sound, Y/n touched onto the ground beginning his jog around the center of the city. In the corner of his eye, a figure moving at high speeds caught his attention.

What the hell...

Y/n jogged across the crosswalk with the rest of the pedestrians, heading towards where he last saw the man.

He must have gone to this ally.

Y/n peeked inside the dark corridor to find a man sitting in the fetal position. Y/n approached him slowly, making sure that the man knew of his presence.

"Hey, what's going on?"

The man jolted in place at the sound of Y/n's voice.

"W-Who are you?"

"Just a random kid. What's wrong?"

"G-Get out of here! I don't want you getting hurt!"

Y/n continued to walk towards the man, "Hurt from what? Are you in danger?"

"Just leave!!"

A silenced gunshot alerted Y/n as he quickly turned around to see the path of the bullet.

I see.

Though blatantly faster than anything he had seen prior, Y/n caught the bullet before it could pass him and inevitably pierce the man's skull.

"What the hell?"

Y/n looked at the source of the voice to see multiple fit men armed with weapons of their own.

"What's going on here?" Asked Y/n.

"None of ya business kid. Get lost before I shoot again! You're not going to be lucky enough to catch the next one."

Y/n stood his ground, now facing the three men at the entrance of the secluded area.

"What's your reason for pursuing this man? Huh? If you don't speak up I'll be forced to protect him at all costs."

The man with the gun burst into laughter.

"Who do you think you are? A hero?"

Y/n's gaze turned cold, as he stood on guard.

"No. Instead, I'm your worst nightmare."

"You're delusional."

"No, just better."

The man gripped his gun, laying his finger on the trigger, "Alright kid, you asked for it."

Y/n charged forward at a blinding speed. Startled, the man shot a bullet which missed. The two men in the back stepped forward to defend the man with the gun, but served as minor barriers as Y/n launched himself off the ground, kneeing the man in the middle.

Blood spilled everywhere as Y/n kicked off the man he had just made contact with to deliver a spin kick with the force of a professional boxer's jab to another man. In an instant, two out of the three men were grounded, reeling in pain. Without giving Y/n time to land, the last man standing swung his knife at Y/n who intercepted it with his hand, catching the blade by strapping it between the meat of his hand.

With a firm grip, Y/n prevented the blade from slipping and in consequence, making any incisions. Taking advantage of his opponent's iron grip, Y/n tugged on the knife, sending the man off his balance. Y/n then landed on the ground, using it to slam his elbow into his adversary's face. Blood covered Y/n's clothes and the ground as he looked back at the man cowering in fear behind him.

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