Chapter 8

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Minju walked aimlessly through the neighborhood.

It's nice to walk at night. It's a shame I have to sneak out to do this though.

Behind her a bush rustled, startling her, prompting her to turn around.

What was that?

Minju watched the bush, straining to see what could be behind the leafy facade.

I guess this neighborhood has cats...

Minju continued her walk, clearing her mind from the previous scare. Suddenly, the girl felt a hand wrap around and cover her mouth. Before she could act, the hand slipped away. Following in suit was a loud crash, and a desperate scream. Minju turned around to see two men dressed completely in black. One stood over the other, while the one on the ground held his body in pain.

What's going on?! Was I about to get kidnapped? Who is that guy standing above the other one?

"E-Excuse me?"

The man turned his head and widened his eyes.

What was that? Is he panicking?

"W-What's going on here?"

Minju shivered in place, unsure if the person in front of her was a friend or foe. The man collected himself, remaining silent. Minju eyed the man on the ground, noticing blood on his shirt.

"Oh my god! He's injured!"

Minju pulled out her phone, "We need to call an ambulance!"


Minju looked up to see the man holding out his hand, prompting her to stop. With her thumb hovering over the call button, the girl watched the figure shoo her away.

"You want me to leave?"

The man nodded.

"Are you going to take him to the hospital?"

The man nodded once more.

"Can I trust you?"

The man's eyes showed annoyance as he tilted his head as if asking, "Really?"

"Okay, okay. Do you mind if I call someone to walk me home?"

The man shook his head.

"Thank you."

Minju unlocked her phone and scrolled through her contacts, pressing the call button when she found the right person.

Please pick up Y/n. You're the only one who can know about this right now.

Y/n's phone began to vibrate, startling him. Without alerting the girl in front of him, Y/n stuck his hand in his pocket and pressed the power button, silencing the call.

Moments passed with the downtime between each ring feeling tortuously long.

Is he asleep? He has to be. He was really tired today.

Minju held her phone in front of her, frowning. The man sighed and pulled out his phone, typing something into it. Anxious, Minju looked up to see the man holding his phone in front of her with a message typed into it.

I'll escort you home. Just start walking.

"You'll escort me home? What about this guy? I-I'm sorry... I can't say I really trust you right now."

The figure erased the text before typing another message.

Just get moving.

Minju put her phone away, "Fine, but only because I want to get out of here."

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