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*hi! Um I just want to say thx for reading and I think I'll post every Tuesday or Thursday but I'll try to post when ever I can. ;)

Pages POV

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Pages POV

After I got home and dropped Kenz off, I got a text from............. the producers. "Omg, omg, omg, omg"

Producers- Hi, Page Bruster, you've gotten a callback for the part of Syd Evergreen.

Me- Omg, Thank you so much, I'll be there!

OMG I JUST GOT A CALL BACK, FOR THE PART, OF SYD EVERGREEN. I cannot believe it. Right now I'm in disbelief, I actually might get this part. I put my phone on the counter and start making dinner. After I eat dinner and get ready for bed, I fall asleep reading my monologue. The next week, I got up bright and early to get coffee. It was Saturday, no work, and the day of callbacks. As I was getting in my car I felt my phone get a text.


Me- yeah, I'm just heading there now!

Mom- I'm so proud.

Me- aww thanks mom <3

I put my phone in my pocket and start driving. My mom didn't want me to be an actress, she thought that a more "stable" job would be better. The only reason she let me move to California was because I promised I'd get a job on the side, that's why I'm working at the coffee shop. Although that not the stablest of jobs, acting is my dream, and I'll do anything to make it happen. But hearing her say that she was proud of me, oh that, that's a good feeling.

Becca's POV

About a few days after I did that audition for Bo's new movie, I had gotten a text from the producers that I had gotten a callback! "I'm so happy for you!" Bo told me after I gave him the news. We met when I was doing the makeup for his MTV show. I was his Personal makeup artist and I guess we just clicked. "I can't wait to act with you!" I said while I put my hands around his neck. "I- I can't either." He spoke looking at the ground. He didn't sound very enthusiastic, "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, lifting his head so his eyes met mine. His eyes were my favorite part, they were like little oceans, flowing with thoughts. He hesitated, "I just don't want you to feel bad if you don't get the part, there was a lot of talent at the auditions."

"Look, even if I don't get the part, I'll still value every minute I have with you." I stated. He blushed, looking as though he didn't expect that. "Thanks Bec, I-I appreciate it." We sat there for a few minutes then I start,

"I love you."

He glances up at me, eyebrows raised, "I, um yeah..." he said. "I love you too." Bo seemed really hesitant, like he was just figuring out what to say, like he didn't have anything else to say to that.

"I uh you know you can talk to me anytime right?" I asked, he seemed like he was holding back.

"Yeah, I know."

"Ok, I'm going to get ready."

"Ok." He replied.

Bo's POV

Big news, Becca got a callback! I was surprised, there was a lot of people that came for the audition, and they pick Bec? Now, I'm not saying that she doesn't deserve the part, but there was a LOT of other people better at acting than her. Especially that one girl, Page, she was...... something. Speaking of her, I could stop thinking about her. Like whenever I think of who I want to be my love interest, it's her, that's the first person that I think of.
While I think it would be really fun for Becca to be her, I just don't think that she'll "become"the character as good as Page.

Callbacks were later that week and I had to be up bright and early to get to the building. "Hi, I'm here." I said as I walked in, glancing around the empty, soon to be callback room.  "BO, over here!" I hear the director yell. "Oh um COMING" I yelled back. "So, ya ready to see who gets to be your love interest?" He asks as I walk into the storage closet he was in. "As ready as I'll ever be." I say while walking to the break room. As I was getting my chips from the vending machine I feel my phone buzz.

Danny- hey how ya doing babe

Me- just waiting for the callbacks to start, did Becca tell you? She got a callback!

Danny- REALLY she's like the last person I'd think to get one

Me- yeah same, I gtg

Danny- ok cya babe

I grab my chips from the vending machine and walked out. "Ok so who are the people that are auditioning? I ask while chewing my Doritos."Their names are Reese, Rebecca, and Page." I gasp. Page? I knew she would be here. I here the door chime as someone walks in. I glance at who it is, it looks like the girl i didn't know. "Hi, I'm Reese." She said, shaking my hand. "Hi."

A few minutes later, after they all came, we started the 2nd audition. Reese was an ok actress, but she definitely wasn't a Reese Witherspoon. Next was Becca, she did a all right job, just not enough emotion. But other than that she did a good job. Last was Page. She was definitely a quiet girl. She'd rather just let everyone go before, like she wanted the best for last.

After the auditions were done and I went home, I was really excited to see who got the part.

*this chapter took SO long, I hope you like it, I wanted to add more but I know y'all want the next chapter so yeah, ily <3

1001 words.

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