Comedy Centrel Presents

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*hi guyyyyss, so this is gonna sound crazy but, ur mom called me yesterday and said that she follows me so, so you should too (just to make sure you don't get in trouble) but yeah, meema and peepa says hi. (Also sry this took so long 🤞🏻🥺)

 (Also sry this took so long 🤞🏻🥺)

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Pages POV

Suddenly I feel something hit my neck, it was a box. I picked it up and looked at it, it was not only a box, but a present? "I was waiting to give this to you on your birthday but it seemed like the right time." He said sitting on the couch. I unwrap the wrapping paper to see what he got me. It was a box labeled, Jones jewelry. I opened the box to fine a beautiful silver necklace said, 'coffee'. "Wow, coffee, nice." I said sarcastically. "Well um I can take it back if you don't like it, its just like we met making coffee so-" I cut him off, "I love it, thanks Liam."

He looked at me with stars in his eyes, something about him drew me in, maybe the way his hair fell messily by his face, or his big brown eyes, I just knew that something inside me changed that day. But deep down, something was..... off, like something was telling me that I can't fall in love with him. Not him.

The next day was another shooting day. After I got home from Liam's I mediately took a shower and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning I had slept through all my alarms and got up quick to get ready. I arrived 40 minutes late and, expectedly, got chewed out. As the producer was talking to me I noticed out of the corner of my eye Bo was staring right at me. I immediately got flustered, and quickly turned my head so not to get even more embarrassed. I really hope nothing bad happened last night, but I know the only way to know is to ask him and frankly, I've been dreading that. After I got all 'dressed up' and ready to shoot I shyly walked over to Bo and Becca.

"Um good morning guys." I said as the both looked at me. "Heyyy, how was last night, you got pretty drunk." Becca  said, "I, um somehow ended up at my colleague's house." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Oh, he was your co-worker?" Bo asked. "Yeah, he' whatever, I hope I wasn't too bad." I cringed a bit. "Oh no, you we're a pain in the ass." He said nonchalantly. "Omg I'm so sorry, you shouldn't had to have dealt with that." I was really guilty by now. "Yeah, your telling me, you wouldn't tell me where you lived so I had to text a random dude to come pick you up." He said, playing with his hair a bit. "Well sounds like you too had fun." Becca said, elbowing Bo.

After we got done shooting for the day I had gotten multiple texts.

Kenz- hey do you wanna hang out today?

Me- yeah sure do you want to like, watch a movie or sm?

Kenz- yeah, I'll come over and we'll pick one.

Me-sounds good!

About 30 minutes later she arrived. "Ok so whatcha wanna watch?" She said grabbing some popcorn our of the microwave. "Um I don't really care, you can choose." I replied, turning on the TV. "OMG, I just started watch this show that has like a bunch of comedians, it's like snl but without the sketches." She walked over to the couch and sat down. She started scrolling through episodes and then came across......Bo Burnham. "WAIT ISNT THAT YOUR CO STAR?" she screamed. "No way." She choose that episode and we watched a little 18 year old tie-die shirt skinny kid play piano and tell jokes. "I didn't even know he was funny." We both chuckled and then got sucked in again. "Every time I go to dinner it seems I'm getting a little thinner....." he sings about how his family thinks he's gay. And after the song I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt.

After it was over me and Kenzie decided to search him a bit, what I'm just trying to get to know him better. "Can't believe that he is actually that famous." She deadpanned. She decided to turn on another one of his songs. "This one's called 'words words words'" she said. it began with a raping and the chorus was a bit slower but it was a rap song. "Wow, this is offensive." I told her. "Bitches and hoes, Bo's hoes, oh, bitches and hoes." The rest of the day was mostly stalking him and coffee. I couldn't understand why someone didn't like me, what did I do wrong.

Bo's POV

The next day was another shooting day and when I got there and walked in I saw that there was only one person there. Today we were going to shoot the school scenes, so there was going to be a lot of extras. I heard a voice behind me and turned, "hey, ya ready to shoot?" Page said, looking down shyly. "Yeah, I hate how early we come though." I spoke, yawning. "Haha, yeah." She murmured. Needless to say, it was awkward.

We just both sat there saying nothing. "Soooo... um when did you get here?" She asked, "not too long ago, I thought no one was here yet." I lied, for some reason I just wanted to seem like she was insignificant to me. She just made me feel....... something. "Oh weird, I thought you were Emily, I almost yelled 'HEY H-O-A-'" She stopped. H-O-A...... no way. I paused, "Did you-" she cut me off. "Yes, I listened to SOME of your songs, I was just curious ok?" She said, red faced.

"I, um wow stalker." I said chuckling "I AM NOT." she defended. "What do you mean? You listened to your co-star's songs he made when he 14-18, I'd at least call that creepy." I said, now dying of laughter. "Wow, I WAS CURIOUS. If I was in any other movie, you'd definitely watch it." She spoke with a mad tone in her voice. "Your a dick." She said.

*haha you got cliffhanged 🤪🤪

1061 words

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