She Crashes and Crushes

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*AAAHH. OMG I got 500 reads!!! When I found this out when I was actually driving with 9 people so, that's fun. But seriously, thank you! I'm really grateful that you take time out of your day to engage with my content. You are truly amazing. Love y'all!

 Love y'all!

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~bo's pov~

"Do you think I could sleep in your room tonight?"

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. I stared up at the medium-sized shadowy figure standing at my door. She had the most perfect curves and that dress accentuated them perfectly. "I-Um, why? Is something wrong?" I blurted out tiredly. She timidly spoke,"Well, i-It was cold and—"

"I totally spaced turning up the heat in your room after I laid you down. Yeah sorry, I could go turn it up if you want?" I cut her off, sitting up on my bed. "I, urm, Bo I..." She stuttered, looking at the ground. "Yeah?" I asked, ready to get out of bed.


She covered her face with her hands and it sounded like she started to cry. I quickly ran and engulfed Page with an embrace, "oh no, Page.. I could take you home if you want—"

"NO! i mean, no, it's ok. I just don't want to be alone." She shouted quietly before wrapping her warm arms around my neck, crying into the crook of my neck. "I won't leave. ever." I reassured, picking her up and setting her down on the opposite side of my spot. She gently let go and settled into my bed. I laid down beside her, feeling slightly sad. "I'm sorry, this night was terrific and now I'm just ruining it." She murmured in a sad voice. "You aren't ruining anything, I get it. Sometimes the quiet can be suffocating." I paused, thinking of something more light hearted to say, "but it's always a little better when you're around." She giggled a little and turned to face me.

"You know, you are the only person that has ever made me feel truly happy." Page deadpanned and continued, "and maybe we didn't start out on the right foot but I think I'm falling for you."

I smiled with butterflies in my stomach. She was just the person I wanted to hear that from. I had yet to wonder why she was falling for me and not that one dude Liam or the mysterious Dylan. "Aw come on, you're drunk."

"Bo, I'm in love with you."

~page's pov~

"Bo I'm in love with you."


I quickly blurted out before smiling at my happy mistake. He turned to me and kissed me. I felt like this whole night was just leading up to this moment. I sat up a little and deepened the kiss, softly laughing. Our tongues danced like two professional ballerinas. It's like our mouths were two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together. That night was like heaven.


I woke up to a buzz from my phone. My body ached and since I was only in my red lingerie, I had reason to believe I had a pretty good night last night. I reached over to grab my phone and squinted my eyes from the bright light.


Liam☕️—Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to go get some lunch later

Why the hell was Liam Asking me out for lunch. I got up and grabbed one of Bo's T-shirts and put it on, it ended up hitting right below my hips. A savory smell had welcomed my nose and, without thinking, I floated down stairs to eat breakfast. "Well, good morning sunshine." I heard Bo call from the kitchen. I skipped into the kitchen, hopping up on his counter. "Whatcha makin'?" I asked, grabbing a Granny Smith apple from his fruit bowl.

"Some grilled cheese." He responded, flipping one over.

"Grilled cheese? For breakfast?" I rose an eyebrow, jumping down and looking over his tall shoulder.

He spoke, turning to me, "Yeah, I don't really like breakfast food all that well."

"Hmm. Weirdo." I mumbled before hopping on his couch. "So how drunk we're you exactly last night." He asked kind of guilty yet hopeful. He walked in and handed me my grilled cheese.

"I actually wasn't that drunk, I only had like 2 shots—" I was cut off by Bo's voice. "So you remember?" He said, sort of giddy. "Yep! I remember every...detail." I said this while lowering my eyes towards his.. yk ;). "I'm glad you said every detail instead of every little detail." He chuckled followed by me giving him a peck on the lips. "So um, who's Dylan?" He asked, glancing up at me. "He's um.." I paused, I really didn't know how to explain it to him."so Dylan was my childhood friend and we.. we decided to start a relationship and—" I lowered my eyes, plagued with the memories of our relationship. "We didn't work out." I mumbled sadly. I sighed and began,"Me and Dylan we together in highschool and all throughout college. He was a jock and loved sports, and I was the theatre kid. We were a match made in heaven until—" I stopped and sniffled, feeling a salty tear fall into my lap. "It's ok if you don't want to tell me." I hear Bo mutter from beside me. "No, I have to get this off my chest." I took a few deep breaths, glancing around the room. "Until he cheated on me with my best friend." I finally broke down. Many times before this moment, I've grieved all alone. But this time I was comforted by a long pair of arms embracing me.

Bo kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter. He whispered to me, "It'll be ok." He rested his head on top of mine. I turn to him, tears running down my cheeks, and hugged his torso. The comforting smell of rain and pine trees radiated off of him, causing me to melt right into him.

"Thank you"

*HEYY so I really hope y'all like this chapter because this took SOOO long. Love y'all!

1026 words

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