Merry Christler!!

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*sooo hey. I'm really sry about not posting for like a month, I just have been dealing with a lot so yeah, I'll try to upload 2 new chapters next week if you're reading this when it comes out so yeah, I hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

 I'm really sry about not posting for like a month, I just have been dealing with a lot so yeah, I'll try to upload 2 new chapters next week if you're reading this when it comes out so yeah, I hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

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~bo's pov~

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" I shouted before pulling Bruce away from the present I had got for Page. "Bad boy!" I said sternly before pointing a finger at him. "That's for your new mommy! I hope you don't chew up her really important present. " I sighed before plopping down on the couch. I felt a weird butterfly feeling in my stomach when I said that page was Bruce's "new mommy." But I guess that just means that I hope she will be.

I turned on one of those cringy, predictable hallmark Christmas movies to pass the time but I just found myself thinking of her again. I wonder if she got me anything, I hope she'll like the presents I got her. I wonder if she's thinking of me right now. All these worries in my mind were almost overwhelming.

A few hours pasted by until the time of the party arrived. I heard Bruce barking at the door like a mad man so I almost sprinted down the stairs to answer the door. "Page!— oh wait, it's just you." I spoke disappointedly before opening the door to let Danny in.

"Your not excited to see your b.b.f.I.t.w.?"

""b.b.f.I.t.w."?" Chuckled confused.

"Yeah! Best Boy Friend In The World?

"You're so dumb." I deadpanned turning to the kitchen. Danny followed behind me, spinning on one of my bar chairs. "Soooo... are you excited?" He asked, making puppy dog eyes. "What? No, it's just a normal Christmas party." I answered. "Well, in that case, what did you get Mrs. Burnham?" He drilled me for more answers aiming to annoy/embarrass me. "You'll see... Wait speaking of presents, I have to go check on hers in my car!" I sprinted out into the parking lot, making sure her present was doing alright.

~page's pov~

I had invited Kenz to get ready with me for Bo's Christmas party thingy. All week I've been on edge awaiting for tonight. She arrived at my house fairly quickly so we had about 3 and a half hours to get ready. "Kenz, do I look ok?" I asked, gazing in the mirror. "Ok? Girl you look like absolutely gorgeous. Awooga!!" She made googly eyes looking at my ass. I pushed her playfully. I bought this white dress with a red cape/cardigan thingy to go along with it. I was also wearing red heals to go along with the cardigan.

I got Bo a bracelet that said "mr slimshady"on it and was really excited to give it to him, but that wasn't his only gift. I also crocheted a sweater for him. I thought it would be special because it's was handmade and I think he's really gonna like it.

About 30 minutes until we had to go, I decided to take a pic to send to him.

Mr Burnham🥶🥶

— *photo file*
—driving there now!! 😚😚

Mr Burnham🥶🥶
Sounds good :) —

I turn off my phone and call Kenzie, "OK LETS GO!"

"COMING!" She shouted back, running downstairs, putting in hoop earrings. We both hopped in my car and drove off. As I was following the gps, I couldn't help but wonder what he got for me, if he even got me anything. He told me that his friend Danny was going to be there too, so I was nervous about meeting him also. 

"This is it!" I announced, opening the car door. The house looked magnificent. It was huge and had red and white Christmas lights on the roof. I looked back at Kenzie to see if she was getting out, but she just stayed inside the car. I quickly jogged over to her door and noticed she was sleeping! I opened her door, causing her to jolt up, surprised. "Are we here?" She asked, hoarsely. "nO, wErE nOt HeRe." I spoke sarcastically. I pulled her out of the car,"Come on!" We walked up to the dark brown door before knocking on it. I heard shuffled squealing and barking. Then I noticed, he has a dog. I love dogs.

The door slowly opened, causing a little cream colored dog to sprint in between the crack. "No, damn it Bruce!" Bo spoke their last part sort of under his breathe. "Hi, Brucy!!" I squealed in a baby voice before petting the little puppy. "Sorry, he's crazy." He began, brushing through his hair with his hands.

"Come in!!"

~kenzie's pov~

The door opened to a dark haired, brown eyed boy in what looks like an ugly Christmas sweater and jeans. I look down at his tiny dog jumping up on Page's leg, what an odd looking dog. He said something underneath his breathe that I didn't hear, but then I hear Page squawk, "Hi Brucy!!"  Bruce, what an odd name for a dog. "Sorry he's crazy." Bo spoke before letting us in. His house was, big. Like crazy big. I turned a corner to find a man in the kitchen. "Ah shit!" The boy shouted, dropping a cookie sheet. Instinctively, I ran over and picked up the pan.

As I stood up, I caught his eyes. It was just like in the movies, we stood there for a second before I set the sheet on the granite countertop. "So.. you are?" He asked, leaning on it next to me. I shyly tucked my hair back behind my ear, revealing my two ear piercings. I turned to him,

"I'm Page's friend Kenzie, but you can call me Kenz."

"Ok kenz" he said kinda flirty. I don't know how, but I haven't felt like this since I met my first boyfriend. The chemistry inside this kitchen was almost suffocating. "I'm Danny, it's nice to meet you." He said, before shaking my hand. I broke the strong eye contact, turning to Bo and Page, joining us in the kitchen. "Oh, looks like you too have already met." Bo spoke, pointing at me and Danny. "Ha, yeah I guess." I looked down at the ground embarrassed. Then jolted up to shake Bo's hand. "I- I'm Kenzie!" I shook his hand violently before turning to face Page, who was raising an eyebrow at me. "What??" I asked, even more humiliated.

"Oh, nothing."

*oh my I am so sry this chapter took so long, I'm actually on a trip rn so I just wanted to get this one out when I had the time. But yeah, much more chapters coming since school is out!!! WOOHOO. But yeah, ily guys, see ya!!

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