Love is...

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*OMG WE GOT IT 200 READS!! literally I cannot thank y'all enough. I know it's not that big of a number but WE GOT 200 READS. I love y'all so much and yeah, thx.

Page's POV

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Page's POV

The next day I woke up so emotionally worn out from the day before. Why did Bo kiss me? And why did I kiss him back? What was wrong with me. I mean, maybe it was because of Dylan, but if it was why did Bo remind me so much of him.

I didn't want to admit it, but ever since I moved here— I just wasn't feeling like myself. I was— Depressed.....I moved here to get away from my problems. To get away from all that stress and anxiety I had there and, to be honest, it's gotten worse. It helped for a few months but now it's all coming back to me.

It seems that each night I either pass out from exhaustion or cry myself to sleep. It's hard to except the fact that I wasn't—well. But one thing I noticed is when ever I'm at work, that feeling goes away. Yesterday when he kissed me, in that moment, the moment his lips delicately touched mine, I felt like myself again.

I didn't feel like sleeping that rest of my life away. It was really—nice.

I got ready and went out on the town. I was wearing a brown oversized t-shirt with my favorite jeans. I was also wearing my white converse. I drove to Walmart to get some groceries and as I got out of my car, I felt a cold chill run down my spine. It was beginning to become winter and- surprisingly- my favorite time of year. I strutted my way into the store before grabbing a cart. I only had a few things to get but I also was here to Christmas shop.

As I was slowly working down my grocery list, I turned down a aisle and heard my name being called from behind me. "Page?" I heard a female voice call from behind me. "Oh my gosh, Becca?" I asked surprised. I couldn't help but feel guilty when seeing her.—I had kissed her boyfriend.

"So, fancy I seeing you here." She joked. "Not really actually, this is a Walmart." I said, "So what are you shopping for?" I continued. "Oh, I'm actually here to Christmas shop." She responded kinda sad. "Wow, same here," I stopped, thinking of what I should say next. "Hey, so, um, I hope this isn't insensitive or anything, but did something happen between you and Bo?" I questioned. "I- uh, yeah. Yeah... we broke up." She said looking at the floor.

"Oh My god, I'm so sorry!" I said apologetically. "No, it's fine, it's not your fault. Actually it's more my fault than anyone else's." Becca muttered. "Well I'm still so sorry, you know, you can talk to me anytime." I reassured. "Yeah....well I got to go, see ya around." She said as she walked off.

After that very awkward and emotional interaction, I went home. As soon as I got home, I took a shower. I needed to wash away the stress I had acquired from the grocery store. "Dum, duh, dum." I sang before squirting some shampoo into my hands. I continued to sing before I heard a knock at the door. "COME IN!" I said, turning off the water, assuming that it was Kenzie.

"I'll be out in a minute!" I shouted from my bathroom. After I quickly put on some pajamas and walked out, I soon figured it was not Kenzie. I walked out from the hallway and stopped in my tracks. "I see you were have a nice shower." Bo said, looking at my eyes before quickly glancing at my chest.

WHAT?? I mean what kind of psychopath wears a bra to bed, and I was assuming it was Kenz, a girl who's boobs I've seen multiple times. So I didn't feel the need to wear one around her but, then again, this wasn't her. After catching him peeking at my chest, I quickly crossed my arms around my boobs so not to show my nipples. "I, um, I came here to see if you wanted to watch this movie with me." Bo said timidly. Um WHAT. He just broke up with his ex and now he's after me? I mean, I know I'm like super hot and pretty, but like WHO DOES THAT.

I had to reject him some how. "I um I—" I spoke before getting cut off. "Well I don't have anyone else to watch it with." He begged. "Why don't you watch it be yourself?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or with like your other friends or something." I continued. "Well my only out of work friend is on vacation right now so I can't really get with him. And only losers watch movies alone." He smirked.

"Ok you should be the perfect candidate then!" I said, walking into the kitchen. "Well I'm watching it here anyways." He yelled from the living room. I rolled my eyes before putting some popcorn in the microwave. I knew I shouldn't have been doing this, but I couldn't stop thinking of the feeling I had when I was with him. I wanted to get closer with him. And who knows, maybe he just needs a friend to get over his breakup.

He turned on the movie as I walked over to the couch. I sat crosslegged on the couch eating the bowl of popcorn. Every so often our hands would brush together and I'd get that familiar feeling of embarrassment. " Wait so how did he get the magic staff?" I asked watching the movie. "He stole it from the evil wizard." He responded, almost in a trance like state. "Oh got it" I nodded, turning my head. I looked at him. I've never been this close to him, I could see every little imperfection, and I couldn't help but find them, Charming.

One little spot fascinated me, a little Circular indentation in his left cheek. I decided to take a big risk and fluff up his hair a bit. He was sitting on the floor and surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind. He gasped at a action part and that made me jump. I had noticed how much time I just spent admiring him. And without thinking a single millisecond. I kissed him.

*OMG so this chapter is probably one of my favorites, but yeah, i hope you liked it

1101 words

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