Big Mistake

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*heyyyy, so this chapter is really, well, what ever it is, but yeah. ENJOY <3


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Bo's POV

The party rolled around fairly quickly and I was surprisingly really excited. Me and Danny decided to go as the big bad wolf and the grandma from the story "Little Red Riding Hood." I had asked Becca if she wanted to be red riding hood but she already going as pink cowboys with some of her friends. I took out my phone to text Danny to see if he wanted me to pick him up.

Me- do you want me to pick you up?

Danny- sure, still getting my wig on

Me- ok be there soon

I grabbed my keys and went out the door. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, I've always hated parties for the soul reason of my anxiety. For some reason when ever I'm in large crowds or on stage preforming it gets....really bad. Like panic attack bad. I pull myself out of my head and turn on the radio.
Not too soon after I picked up Danny from his house, we got to the party. We walked into a crowded penthouse. That familiar feeling of nervousness started to grow at the bottom of my stomach. I had this silly costume on at this silly little costume party and was...... afraid. "Hey man, it's gonna be alright, I'm here." He smiled before he playfully punched my shoulder.

I walked over to the kitchen to see if they had any food, alcohol, or anything else to help me calm down. "Fuck yessss" I whispered to myself after spotting some cupcakes and Jell-O shots. I walked over to get a slice of cake and two shots. And I don't know how long after I drank the Jell-O shots, Becca arrived with her friends. I spotted them through the crowd and walked over. Becca was visibly drunk and well, I hope she wouldn't drink too much.

Page's POV

I was putting on my cloak thingy on when I heard a knock at my door. "Heyyy, let me in!!" I heard a female voice call out from behind the door. "Just a sec!" I yelled back. I ran to the door to open it. Kenzie waltzed in with two grocery bags full of makeup and accessories and stuff like that. About 30 or 40 minutes later we were ready to go.
When I was walking out of my apartment I had this weird gut feeling. It felt like, twisty? I'm not one to have bad anxiety but tonight was different. It was, well, hard to ignore.

We both got in Kenz's car and drove off. "Sooooo, are you excited?" Kenzie asked, eyes straight for the road. "I'm a bit nervous." I responded hesitantly. "Look, I know it's hard after, well, what happened. But maybe this is a new start!" She uttered. "Yeah, I don't know." I mumbled under my breath. A few minutes later we got to the party.
I didn't want to admit it but, I looked really hot. I mean, who knew little red riding hood could look hot?

Me and Kenz strutted into the the building like we owned the place. "OMG KENZIE I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN LIKE FOREVER!" Some girl yelled and Kenzie walked off with them. I immediately went off to the living room, just to see if there was anyone else I knew that I could talk to. I walked over to the couch and sat down. It was so loud, I could nearly hear myself so I just decided to scroll on my phone.

After a few minutes later I got up and headed for the kitchen, it was cleaner than the rest of the house, but still wasn't perfect. I saw a tray full or jelly shots and took two for myself. The crowd started playing music and everyone started dancing. Since I was drunk, I was dancing too. They were playing pretty good artists , like Adele, Tyler the creator, and mitski. As I was dancing my eyes caught a pair across the room, they looked eerily familiar. Blue, big, and staring right at me. Our eyes meet as soon as the chorus came, so it felt like we had paused time for a few seconds before it started again. It felt, magical.

I looked away shyly and blushed a bit. I don't know who that was but, they sure made my night way more entertaining. A few moments later I waltzed my way to the kitchen again, but this time there was someone else there. They were in a wolf costume so i decided to speak out and say, "My, what big ears you have?" I turned around and said,"My dear, the better to hear you with." Then I realized who I had been talking with. "Bo?" I asked confused. "Page? Why are you here?" He asked. "I came with my friend, when did you get here?" I asked, kind of timidly. "Just got here." We both just sat there. It was...... awkward. "Well, that's weird that we dressed up as a 'couple.'" He spoke "yeah..." I mumbled. "Well nice seeing you then!" I said walking off.

Bo's POV

Why am I either really rude, or awkward around Page. She didn't do anything wrong, so why do I act like that. After she walked off, I drank two more shots and walked out. I was going to find Danny. While I was pushing through the crowd, I heard someone start playing a familiar song,

🎵My whole family thinks I'm gay🎵
         🎵I guess it's always been that way🎵

Why were they playing MY SONG. I got extremely embarrassed so I started to walk faster. As I ran into a room and there was two people kissing. "God, can anyone get some privacy around here." A women spoke from the bed. No, No this can't be happening. I felt my eyes start to water as I spoke,"Becca?" She went silent. The dude she was kissing wasn't even half as attractive as me, so why, why me. "Bo, I can explain." she blurted out. I rubbed my eyes as I felt my eyes getting heavier with tears, "Becca, your drunk. We'll talk about this later but right now, please. Just leave me alone." I stated, teary eyed. I finally broke down running to the door. "NO, BO WAIT." I heard her yell behind me.

I finally found Danny and I told him what happened. "Ok let's go, I don't want to stay here anyways." He spoke as he packed up his stuff. We both walked out door and the only thing that was on my mind was, Why me and....

*so I'm really sry this chapter took longer but, WOW, a lot happened. This is the tenth chapter and I just wanted to thank everyone who continues to read this. <3 love ya

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