The present...

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*can we just appreciate this photo.

*can we just appreciate this photo

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Ok luv ya!!

Ok luv ya!!

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~bo's pov~

We all sat around in the living room, chatting. "So Bo, how exactly old are you?" Kenzie asked in diligently. "About 23 years young." I shot back, sneaking a look at Page. "Hmmm, interesting." The blonde haired girl answered.

"What's so interesting about my age?"

"It's just interesting that you're a year older than little Pageyy." She teased Page, tickling her stomach. I caught myself staring at her with stars in my eyes, but I mean it's hard not to when she looks so..magnificent. I felt my cheeks turn fiery red as soon as I looked away. "Ok, what should we do next, I'm bored." Danny bluntly stated, standing up.

I fake-gasped acting all offended, "You're bored? At my awesome party??"

He scoffed, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Ok, but when you get back, we'll do presents!!" I shouted to the jogging boy.

"Ok!" I heard him yell back. "Soo... Danny." Page started, Turing to her best friend. Kenzie got all flustered before replying back, "What with Danny?"

"Do you like him??"

~page's pov~

"Do you like him?" I asked, leaning on the coffee table. I could see when exactly those words hit her brain, her eyes widened and her cheeks went blood red. "W-what?!! I-I do NOT like him." She shouted defensively.

I gasped before exclaiming, "YOU DO!!"

"It's so obvious." I heard Bo mutter before getting up. "I'm going to go get the gifts." He announced, walking off. "I do not." She spoke like an angry toddler. "Ok.." I threw my hands up in the air before going to get Bo's presents in my car.

He got me a gift. HE GOT ME A FUCKIN GIFT . I never felt so appreciated and important ever in my life. I knew that he didn't hate me anymore but I didn't think he'd actually get me a gift. I grabbed the blue rapping paper covered box and ran inside. As soon as I sat down on the comfy couch, I heard Bo walk in from the garage.

"Ok you guys ready??" He asked.

Me, Danny, and Kenz all answered in unison, "YES!"


"Ok Mr Burnham, are you ready for the best gift you've ever gotten??" I asked dramatically. "Ready when you are." He mumbled smugly. I handed him the light blue box shyly.

"Open it!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Alrighty bossy pants." He shot back. As he tore back the rapping paper, the anxiety inside of me started to grow. What if he doesn't like it? What if he throws it away? What if he gives it away?

As he opened the brown, cardboard box his eyes widened. The first thing he pulled out was the necklace. "Aye yo, mr slim shady!" He spoke happily. His hand dove into the box for the second time, but this time he pulled out his sweater. He got really quiet, admiring his pastel orange sweater.

"I made it myself, I couldn't get your exact measurements so I'm sorry if it doesn't fit very norm-" I was cut off by a huge bear hug.

"T-thank you Page." He sniffed into the crook of my neck. "Bo, are you cry-" I was cut off once again by his arms hugging my neck even harder. I sighed, "You're welcome Bo Bo." We sat there for a moment and I just enjoyed it. His hair smelled like fresh basil and his body smelt like a evergreen forest after it rained.

He slowly pulled away, wiping a tear from his left eye. His inhaled before exclaiming, "Ok, let me go get your present." He ran off. "Wait Bo! Didn't you already get my presen-" He waltzed into the living room with a red and white box. "Oh my... Bo." I smiled warmly looking down at the box in front of me. "Page, just don't shake it." He said very seriously. I rose an eyebrow before taking the top off.

"Bo, you better not have spent that much mon-" I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. "You did not." I picked up the brown, white, and black fur ball out of the box.

"Woof, Woof!"

"OH MY GODD! HI PUPPY!" I squealed, kissing it's forehead. "Omg Bo, you've officially made it on my, "Top 5 favorite people list."" Kenzie muttered, hopping up to pet the puppy. "I really hope you like it." Bo spoke shyly.

"Like it?! I LOVE IT. I could like, kiss you right now!" Everyone went silent, staring at me. "What??" I spoke Defensively. "What breed is this little puppers??" I exclaimed, changing the subject. "Sh-she's an Australian Shepherd." Bo began, flustered. "A-and she's yours." I looked up at him with hearts in my eyes.

"Bo, I-I couldn't." I stuttered. "Yes you could, I mean, I'm not gonna keep her." I put her down and sprinted up to him before crashing my lips onto his.


~bo's pov~

She ran up to me and kissed me. And this wasn't just any old kiss, this kiss was filled with passion and love. She slid her hands up my neck and through my hair. In doing so, forced me, subconsciously, to pull her in by her waist. Her body was only centimeters away from mine. I could feel the heat of her body radiating with infatuation.

In that moment, I felt like we were the only people in the world. Suddenly, she pulled away, her face as red as a tomato.
"I-I'm sorry-" I cut her off with my lips. "You have nothing to be sorry about. Now, what are you gonna name her?" I walked over to the small puppy and patted her on the head.

"Umm ok so that happened." Danny said, stunned. "Yep." I stated, smirking at Page. She walked over to join me and muttered,"I was thinking Echo. Like in Greek mythology."

"Perfect." I reassured. "Bo, I seriously can't believe you got me a DOG." She exclaimed.

"Well, believe it sista"

*ok so I LOVE THIS CHAPTER. But ngl it took three hours. But I mean, a 7 hour car drive needs entertainment so...

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