Chapter 1

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~Marinette's POV~

It was another beautiful day in Paris, the sun was shining and there was no cloud on the sky. An absolutely gorgeous day of spring but the only problem is that I'm running late to school!


I'm going to get in so much trouble this time! It's the third time this week that i was late because of the akumas Hawkmoth had been sending.

He started sending akumas at night more frequently and I'm getting too tired sometimes, i slept for 19 hours one day, i was lucky that it was the weekend and i didn't have school.

It's getting quite hard to balance school and super hero stuff those days, I'm not 14 anymore now I'm 17.

I don't have time to go out with my friends anymore and they had been going out with Lila more often but I'm glad that she didn't lie about anything the past month, it's kinda surprising.

I can't help my parents in the bakery either i have to work on my designs but fortunately my parents are very sweet and understanding.

I was almost in my class when a sudden felling of nausea hit me, i stopped and started breathing slowly, it isn't the first time this happened i even fainted before.

" Marinette..?" My kwamii, Tikki, asked worried, i give her a small smile in return.

" I'm ok, just a little nauseous...I'll get better.. hopefully" i said drinking a little bit of water.

" You don't look are so pale.." Tikki said getting out of my bag and putted her little paw on my cheek.

" Get in my purse, I'll go into the classroom" i said to Tikki opening my purse for her to get in it.

" Just please be careful today Marinette" she said entering my purse. I nodded smiling at the little goddess of creation.

I opened the door slowly and entered the classroom.

" Late again Marinette! This is the thi-....are you ok dear? You look really pale" Ms Bustier said putting a hand on my forehead.

" I'm fine, sorry for being late" i said walking to my seat.

" It's ok, tell me if you are feeling sick" she said and continued her lesson.

" Morning girl" Alya whispered to me.

" Morning Alya" i said smiling at her.

" You ok?" She asked concerned.

" Yeah just a little nauseous" i said taking out my book.

" You should really go to a doctor i don't want to see you fainting again" my best friend said, i nodded smiling at her then started writing.


It was finally lunch break, I'm not that hungry but i want to see Adrien's handsome face. He wasn't in school this morning, he had a photoshoot.

I was left alone in the classroom, Alya left with Lila to the cafeteria a few minutes ago... I gathered my things and left.

As i was exiting the classroom I bumped into someone. I lost my balance and began felling to the ground but i never hit the cold floor.

I looked up to see who had caught me and i was met by emerald green eyes that where looking right into my bluebell eyes.

" Are you ok Marinette?" Adrien asked looking worried.

" A-adrien...yeah I'm d-dame i mean fine!" I said jumping from his warm arms.

Please stay by my side ( a Miraculous fanfiction) FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now