Chapter 15: "Love is cruel.."

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"Hey Yibo.. I'm sorry but I'm not gonna be coming over today, the doctor left just now and told me to take bed rest for the entire day so I can't come, sorry again.. But don't worry, I'll try my best to come by tomorrow! Take care"

As he finished with the voice note, he heaved a loud sigh and laid back down. Though he mind be taking physical rest, he definitely wasn't taking a mental rest because even if he tried to close his eyes or think about something else, the only thing, or person, on his mind was Yibo.

3:49 PM

• • • • • • •

5:13 PM

'Do I look okay? He should be here sometime soon' Yibo checked in the mirror for the nth time, setting his hair, when he was, yet again, taken aback by his own train of thoughts.

"Wait why do I care, we're just gonna talk!" He mumbled to himself, groaning. "Fuck Yibo! Get yourself together goddammit" He said annoyed, under his breath, finally deciding to look in his phone for any messages from the man he was waiting for.

His eyes lit up when he saw a voice note from the other. Opening it, his smile soon faded away when he clearly listened to it entirely. "Of course.." He almost whispered, quite disappointed.

Not disappointed by Zhan though, but quite much with himself; for wanting Zhan to meet up with him, even when he knew the older should've stayed home and rest, yet he still called him over to talk about things.

As he stared down at his phone screen with an expression one couldn't describe, he one again started analyzing his wallpaper. Though it shouldn't be a big deal; just a person sitting near a lake with bunnies surrounding him, it still felt as if his heart was encaged, as if his mind wasn't allowed to explore to it's fullest of freedom, as if he was hiding something from himself.

But that can't utterly be possible, right? He knew himself better than anyone else would know him; of course he did, it was he himself we're talking about. Who doesn't know themselves, and better yet, who hides something from themselves? It's basically impossible, right?

'I know you.. I know I do.. There's just something about you that I can't seem to forget even if I might not know in the first place..'

6:34 PM

On the other hand, Zhan was bored out of his mind. He had already scrolled through all his socials, he had already texted with a few friends; he seriously had nothing left to do. Nothing except for one thing.

Zhan's face lit up as he grabbed his phone again and opened his writing pad, where he writes the draft lyrics of his songs. 'I have a perfect idea, I can write about those weird dreams I've been having!' Thinking that, there was no time to spare as he began writing lyrics.



Listen for the melody of a flute, alone in sorrow


The nights in the clouds are long

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