5| Take me over

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I walk into my Physics class and look for Dani since she has this class too. I spot her sitting at a table and head towards her. I sit down and grab my sketchbook to add a little bit more to my drawing, I have made a lot of progress already having the outline done and starting shading. Dani looks over at what I am doing and gasps.

"Oh my god, that is so good." She says. I smile and look down at my drawing proudly. "I know you said you like to draw but I had no idea you were that good."

"Thanks, I've always liked drawing so I've taken as many art classes as I can." I smile.

"Well, clearly they're working" She laughs. 

The bell rings and our teacher begins the class. He is about to start talking when Christian walks into the room. He sees me and glares then makes his way to a seat two tables behind mine. I can feel him glaring at me as the teacher talks and goes over our syllabus. After going over the syllabus he lets us have the rest of the class period to talk. 

"Dude he's been staring at you ever since you walked in," Dani says as she tilts her head behind us. I know who she is talking about without having to ask.

"I know I can feel it."

"What do you mean feel it?" She asks confused.

"You know like when you feel like someone is watching you?" She nods "That's how it's been all of class."

"That must be distracting." 

"Yeah it is and it's weirding me out a little." This makes her laugh which also makes me laugh. Soon we are laughing extremely loudly and some of our classmates are looking at us weirdly. I nudge Dani and she notices too, we quiet down and talk until the bell rings. We pack up our things and head to AP gov.

When we walk on we find Taylor and the three of us sit together and talk until the bell rings. Our teacher talks about the syllabus the entire class period and I almost pass out from boredom, the only thing keeping me awake is Dani continuously elbowing me in the side saying that if she can't sleep then neither can I. What a bitch. Just kidding. Kinda. 

After years of the teacher speaking the bell rings. I look at my schedule to see what my next class is and freeze. How am I just now noticing that I have a dance class. This is the last thing I need right now. Dani must notice that something is off because she gives me a funny look.

"What's wrong?"

"My schedule, I have dance next period," I say my voice weaker than I want it to be. 

"I thought you said you danced." Dani questions.

"I used to but I really can't do it right now. It's just not a place I want to be right now." I say.

"It's ok I'm sure it'll be fine." She says encouragingly. I nod and make my way to the studio with Dani's guidance. I say goodbye to Dani and walk up to the door of the studio. I take a deep breath and walk-in. 

I look around the studio and see the ballet barre and the wall covered in mirrors. I am filled with a rush of emotions both good and bad. I feel safe and at home but also everything reminds me of him even places he never went. 

He affects me even across the country and it makes me feel weak and helpless. I let out a sigh and set my bag down. No one is in here yet so I decide to dance a little to see how it feels. I turn on some music and begin to let the music take over my body. I dance and let my emotions fuel my movements. I can feel all of the tension in my body slowly release and I am filled with a mix of happiness and pride. 

After a couple of minutes, the song ends and I stop dancing. I hear people clapping and look behind me to see the class staring at me. I see Summer smiling and giving me a thumbs up. I walk back towards the wall and the teacher begins the class.


Ooooo, she dances. Who woulda guessed? Who is he, well that's one secret I'll never tell. (get the reference? I hope someone does) XO my lovely readers.

Love, Marie

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