Chapter Three

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As Harry and Louis sit in the waiting room at the clinic, the smell of it makes Harry a little queasy and Louis nervous. They both don't like hospitals or clinics but Harry is getting sick all the time and they have to be there. As the sit there and look around eagerly. The nurse comes from behind a door and calls harry name; "Mr Harry Styles?" She says holding her clip board. Harry gets up shaking and him and Louis walk into the room.

Going into the room the walls are blue and the bed is as well. It's covered with a fresh white sheet, the room has that hospital or doctor office smell, Antibacterial, Leather and Sickness. The nurse sets down her clipboard and gestures for Harry to get up on the bed.
"I'm just gonna do a basic check up, check your blood sugar and see if you have an outward injuries and then i'll get the doctor" she says cheeringly. Harry nods and she gets the blood sugar band.

As she rolls up his sleeves she wraps the band around his arm and she squeezes it repeatedly, it tightens around Harry's arm. "Hmm, your blood sugar is 160 over's a little high but nothing to worry about, let's try keeping that down" she says smiling and Harry nods, Louis chimes in; "We just had a greasy breakfast with our friends before we got here so that's probably why" The nurse chuckles slightly at what Louis said as she placed two of her fingers on Harry's jaw she moved his head from side to side and checked his face and neck.

Lifting up his shirt she checks he abdomen and she nods. After she backs up she grabs her clip board and starts filling it out "Been having an leg pain? or Any pain in your lower body?" Harry shakes his head "No" the nurse takes it down and nods. "Great then, i'll just head out the doctor will see you in a couple of minutes!" she says as she walks out the room cracking the door behind her.

The two minute wait for the doctor was heart racing but Finally she stepped in. She was Tall and Petite, with Brunette hair. She was very beautiful and seemed very knowledgeable in her field. "Hello Mr. Styles, I am Dr. Daniels and I will be your doctor for today." She smiles looking at the clipboard.

Looking up she sees Louis "I see your here with your partner this lovely morning, you two look lovely together" she says, Harry and Louis look at each other. "Uh- how did you know we were together?" She raises her eyes brows "The few matching tattoos you have a give away, and the hickies you both have on your necks." She says, standing up. She walks over to Harry and stands in front of him.

"So tell me Harry, what brings you here today?" Harry parts his lips "It's my stomach, i've been really sick lately. Like the smell of anything like grease, toilet water or even cologne makes it wanna hurl. Not to mention i've been craving and wanting a lot of weird things and food combos." The curly lad says as the doctor stands in front of him. She writes down what Harry says.

"Harry, have you been experiencing any tenderness around your breast and or nipple area? Having you been experiencing increase of urination and are you finding to hard to work out to do any actives like your tired or also known as fatigue?" Harry nods his head to everything. The doctor fills out the sheet and nods "I think i have a pretty good diagnosis." She says Harry leans forward with glee and Louis shifts in his seat on edge.

"You Mr Styles are pregnant" she says holding the clip board looking at the boy smiling. Harry face looks shocked and unamused. "Your kidding right? there is no way i'm pregnant? I'm a MAN I cannot be right Lou?" Louis nods his head vigorously "Yeah, he can't be he's a male and we don't get pregnant" The doctor laughs; "Males actually can get pregnant. Nowadays it's a thing going around called the "Omega gene" it's a gene seen in men that allows them to give birth meaning there is a uterus connected to your arse. You can't bleed or anything like any other woman with the omega gene but you can get pregnant? it's a rare occurrence and only happens in 3% of every male with the omega gene, you two are very lucky to have it work."

Harry holds his stomach in disbelief, a baby...a baby...THE Harry Styles was really pregnant with a baby. He turns to Louis who is biting his nail and tapping his foot. "We can start discussing options on how you would like to proceed with this process. As you know if you wish to have the child and don't want to keep it when can looking into adoption agencies, or if you do want have the child and keep it we can get you enrolled a few courses for pregnant males and how to get adjusted to it, or we can always abort the child."

Hearing the last option made Harry sick to his stomach, he couldn't get rid of any child like that but he wasn't quite ready for a child just yet, and then there Louis and how he felt. Suddenly Louis blurts out "WE ARE GOING TO KEEP IT!" This statement surprises Harry. "Louis are you sure we can do this? You know we are always on the road, we have interviews, band rehearsal, and even photo shoots to do. Not to mention management and the fans what will they say or react? there is just too many unknowns here and i don't know" Harry says trailing off.

Louis walks over to him and grabs his hands. "Do you love me?" he says "What?" Harry replies "Do you Harry Edward Styles love me?" Harry nods; "Of course Lou with every fiber of my being" Louis grips his hands tighter and looks him in the eyes "Then we can do this! Me and you, I don't care what Management or anyone says. I love you and you love me and I know we are going to both love this baby with all our heart and we will always be there for it. On the road or in the studio, in rehearsal or interview, photoshoot or no photoshoot. I love you and our child Harry."

Harry starts to sniffle and tearing up, holding Louis hands he nods and agrees with him, looking at the doctor Harry smiles "We going to keep the baby! Let's go over the next steps" Doctor Daniels smiles "I'm going to be here every step of the way. I think you boys made the right choice, let's get to work on this."


After the doctor visit Louis and Harry make it to there shared home. Harry is holding the baby pictures in his hand and looks down at them smiling. Louis has a ton of pamphlets, books, and list of things and supports groups for pregnant males. They were determined to make this work. The boys had a two month break so this would make the transition process a little easier. Harry walks over to Louis and hugs him from behind.

"We are having a baby Louis, we are really having a baby!" Harry says excitedly and Louis turns around, cupping his hands on Harry's face he stands up on his top toes and kisses him on his lips.

The two for them were happy, for now...



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