Savior or not?

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Zhan Zhao looked shocked when he saw the driver from who he escaped a little ago, then understanding the situation, his gaze turned into a plead.

His glossy eyes directed at Yutang could only pray so that he doesn't add fuel on the fire and make it worse.
He heaved a sigh when he saw Yutang retreating, but he can't be all relaxed yet.

No matter how much his father requests, his father's boss didn't allow them an ich and harshly told them to leave.

They could only leave before the owner calls the security and make them leave.

After they went away, Yutang's father looked at Yutang and said "you don't have to think about these things son. It will be better if you stay away. "

Yutang nodded. After his mood got spoiled, Bai Yuan left the space and went to his room. With that Bai Yutang jumped down all the stairs he just stepped up to go to the second floor, and rushed towards the door from where two dejected people left. Yunlan waved bye at him, surprised, even though Yutang didn't see it.

Bai Yutang saw those two people walking ahead with sad backs, he went towards them and bumped into Zhan Zhao a little.

"I am Bai Yutang. Nice to meet you. " He greeted Zhao's father with a business smile and then looked at Zhao, face a little dark, "don't you think we need to talk? "

He eyed Zhao to come to the side. Zhao nervously nodded. He put his father there at a chair which was left by the gardener there.

He followed Yutang through a narrow space, which lead him to the garage. He saw the white car standing there and Yutang was sitting on the top of the front.

Yutang raised his eyebrows a little.

"I know, I am sorry. " Zhan Zhao said all fidgety. "I lost sight of my father that moment so I was not in my right mind. I did not pay attention. I am seriously sorry for your car. "

Yutang stared at him a few moments "shouldn't you offer me a damage repair fee? " He asked smiling.

Zhan Zhao got all tensed. "I am sorry. I only some part time jobs. I cannot.. I don't know how to... Ah.. "
Bai Yutang did not really expect the later to pay him back.
With a little jump he came down the car and stood in front of the panicked boy.

"I thought so. What happened to you though? Or your family? " He asked the question he was most curious of.

Zhan Zhao swallowed hard. The man in front of him was Bai Yuan's second infamous son Bai Yutang. He was the one who take care of the business part most of the time and mostly when his father could not attend, the unofficial nameless CEO and officially the managing director. Should Zhan Zhao speak against the boss in front his own son?

He shook his head suddenly. Bai Yutang was surprised a little. Then he heard him speak, " My brother is Shen Wei. He is a kindergarten school's teacher. " His voice became heavy " He was arrested and framed as a kidnapper who stole one of the kid of a rich family who attends that school for money. "

Yutang frowned, "why would they arrest your brother though? "

"Because he was found at the place where they were supposed to bring ransome money. " Zhan Zhao said.

"Ah that's makes it complicated. What was he doing there? " Yutang tried to get the bigger picture.

"The place was very close to school. Brother would take detours through that road sometimes. He was just there at the wrong place, at the wrong moment. " Zhao insisted.

Yutang was a businessman in nature, of course he can not believe anyone who would tell him their any story crying, especially from the family member of a suspect. He pondered for a moment and asked still "how can you be so sure that he didn't do it? Probably he was in trouble that time and needed  money. "

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