Gaining Confidence

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The next scene was quite awkward. Everyone sat on the drawing room. Shen Wei and Yunlan in one sofa, and Yutang and Sylvia sat on another facing them. To get refreshed after a long journey, Sylvia  was sipping onto some fruit juice but thought that the tea in front of her was more interesting.

Yunlan coughed and said, "Ah you are here quite early. "

Sylvia sincerely said with a mocking hint, "I am so sorry for existing. "

Yutang snickered and thought it is a very intriguing situation. He egged on Shen Wei to speak, "Ah Shen Wei... You don't want to introduce yourself? "

Shen Wei was feeling very embarrassed and genuinely did not know if he should say anything at all. Even though he knew that the date Yunlan went on is fake, he still felt dismay when he saw the beautiful girl in front him. He could not help but feel envious of the position Sylvia was in, chosen as Yunlan's life partner by his father.

He looked at Yunlan once and then proceeded hesitating, "Umm.... Hello. I am Shen Wei. " Then he felt he needed to make clear what he really is. So he added, " I am Yunlan's lover. "

Yunlan was shocked a little. It was probably the first time he saw Shen Wei so confident and he immediately felt bubbles inside him. He definitely regretted that they were in the main hall, because right now he just want to smack on those voluptuous lips that uttered the word 'lover'.

Yutang laughed heartily and teased, "Whoa such strong attack! You sound like an edgy mistress Shen Wei.. "

Yunlan scolded him, "Hey! He is the queen of my life! "

Shen Wei narrowed his eyes and Yunlan corrected, " I meant King... "

Sylvia saw all these interaction humorously and said, "Trust me Shen Wei. I don't have any plans to marry Yunlan. I have actually heard a lot about you from Yutang-"

"What is going on? " Zhan Zhao's voice came from the side and he came near them.
Zhan Zhao blinked confused when he saw the new guest and looked at Yutang for explanation.

As soon as Yutang saw his black kitty staring at him, he stood up smiling. He immediately went to Zhan Zhao dragged him towards the crowd and said, "See kitty! Your brother's love rival just made her entry. "

Yunlan again said irritated, "Hey! You are again saying nonsense. What rival? I have only one wife... I mean husband. " He said that and hugged Shen Wei shoulder pulling him a tad bit closer. Shen Wei was red from all the attention and wished if he could run away.

"All right Yunlan. No one is stealing your husband.. So calm down. I am sorry I had to intrude because father wouldn't even listen to any of my objections even when I said that Yunlan is not interested in me! " She shrugged casually.

"Hey don't worry about the love birds. Since you are here, I will take you for a tour around here. You don't have to be bored continuously watching their PDA! You are finally in my and kitty's shoes. " Yutang gave her assurance.

Zhan Zhao protested heartily, "Please don't drag me on into this. And yeah..don't relate me with yourself. I am not a playboy like you who is disgusted by genuine affection! "

Bai Yutang blinked, "How could you say that kitty? Do you know that time I came at a wrong time and had to see Yunlan and Shen Wei making out..? Do you know my despair? "

Shen Wei might have destroyed everything and ran away but Yunlan held him and asked with a serious face, "We have done it many times... Which one particular time are you talking about? "
He got a light smack from Shen Wei instantly.

Sylvia coughed, "Can you not be so blunt in front of your fiancee even though I know you two are together? "

Yutang jabbed, "I know right. The whole world is the third wheel when they are together. I can't bear it anymore. I need some fresh air! "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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