Closer to you

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Shen Wei was dozing off at afternoon, because he has nothing to do. Even though he protested many times, Yunlan brough him in his own room, taking care of him. It almost like they are living a married life with two problem children.

Shen Wei took a book with him and sat himself on a chair in the balcony. Then unconsciously his eyes became heavy
He only woke up when he felt a little tug at the book that he was holding. He opened his eyes to see Yunlan trying to carefully grab the book from him and when he saw Shen Wei is awake, he laughed foolishly.

Instantly Shen Wei smiled and the light of the dawn glowed in his eyes. A gentle breeze messed up his hair without trying, blocking his view of Yunlan. Yunlan stood there like a statue but Shen Wei caught hold of his messily running hair and said,
"It has became a little long. Need to cut it. "

Yunlan frowned, "Why? It suits you... "
Saying that he caught a lock of his hair and caressed it with his finger. He felt it was too soft bit also strong just like Shen Wei.

Shen Wei looked aside bashfully, "I don't know.. "

Yunlan smiled, "you can do whatever you like! Why don't you sleep if you want to take rest? "

Shen Wei pursed his lips and asked, "Did Zhan Zhao return? "

After what happened in the morning, Yutang did not leave his room but Zhan Zhao went somewhere and he did not return.

Yunlan sighed, "Don't worry. He will be fine. He is not a little boy. He does not rush into things mindlessly. "

"I know. Actually it's too calm. I feel like he is bottling himself up too much. " Shen Wei said disdainfully.

"Ok ok. Don't stress about it. Doctor forbade you! I will send Yutang to pick him up. But do you have any idea where he is? " Yunlan asked.

"No. Probably the restaurant.. I am sorry... I wasn't being a good brother. I really have no idea what he is doing right now. He didn't tell me anything. " Shen Wei said.

Yunlan crouched down in front of him, and took his hand into his own, "That's not true. Zhan Zhao did not tell you because he wanted you to focus on recovering first. You know that silly. We all want that. Your bandages will be undressed soon and you will be able to move more freely. Then talk it out with Zhan Zhao. If he still avoids then chase him. I will help you! " He rolled up his shirt to make it more convincing.

Shen Wei could not help but laugh, "You are too extreme.."

Yunlan kissed Shen Wei's forehead and cheekily said, "That's my specialty. "

Then Yunlan got out of the room and went to Yutang. He let out a deep sigh and knocked on the door.

Yutang did not reply.

Yunlan knew that Yutang was inside from sure, so he just said, "Yutang.... Zhan Zhao still hasn't come home. It's almost evening. If you know where he is.. Go and pick him up. Shen Wei is worried for him. "

He said and was about to leave. Then he again come back and knocked with a little force, "My careless brother I don't think Zhan Zhao would come back if you don't go. He has no reason to. He knows Shen Wei will be better with me so he may alone return to their temporary place where they were staying before we came, as they already sold their house. "

After germinating seeds of unrest  in the latter's mind Yunlan left contended. He knows that he has surely managed to disturb Yutang. He intentionally did that because he knows that Yutang might be again thinking something unnecessary, making things big in his mind again.

Yutang rolled in his bed two times. He really was immersed in a negative spiral but Yunlan just broke his trance. He, very tiredly, brought his phone in front of his eyes. The screen showed it is 6:30.

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