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The next time when Zhan Zhao opened his eyes he was being driven somewhere in a car. With great difficulty he opened his eyes, still exhausted and looked beside only to see Yutang driving nonchalantly.
He thought he is dreaming so he rubbed his eyes and looked again. Then he panicked. He sat up straight and looked at the road through the dim light of midnight.

He asked confused, "Where are you taking me? "

Yutang saw Zhan Zhao awake, and he smiled saying, "I am doing what I am good at. Kidnapping you! "

"Urghh.. " Zhan Zhao looked distressed and watched his surroundings worriedly. Then he stomped his feet in anger and threatened, "If you don't stop the car right now we are going to be victims of another accident and this time your favorite car will be destroyed to pieces! "

Then he tried to obstruct Yutang's smooth driving to make him halt with his hands.

Yutang said quickly, "Wait wait stop! What's the use of stopping in the middle of nowhere!? Just wait some minutes and we will arrive at our destination. "

Zhan Zhan scowled, "And where is that? "

"My house. " Bai Yutang said as if it is the obvious.

"No freaking way in hell. You drop me here! I can go back to my place! " Zhan Zhao protested heavily.

"You need to rest first. Go and sleep now in my house. Let's talk in the morning. " Yutang insisted with a serious face.

Zhan Zhao stopped talking. It's not often when he seees Yutang behave like that. He still kept complaining and ultimately asked, "Where is brother Yunlan? "

"He is in the hospital, staying with Shen Wei. " Yutang said looking ahead.

Zhan Zhao made a face and Yutang smiled at his reaction, "Don't be such a villain. "

Zhan Zhao said seriously, "I am not! Your father is. "

Yutang narrowed his eyes and Zhan Zhao said again, "And i am not gonna apologize for saying so. "

Yutang shook his head, "No... You are right. He probably is.. "
Yutang stopped mid sentence. He straightened his shoulder frustrated.

Zhan Zhao looked at him  squinting his eyes and said slowly, "do you feel wrong to go against your father even if it means betraying yourself ? "

The car came to a sudden halt.

Yutang looked at him and said, "you said you were a psychology major right? So am I right now your experimental subject? "

Zhan Zhao felt like he stepped on a landmine, still he said, "Seems like I was right seeing how I have managed to hit your nerves. Hmph!"

Yutang said, "ok that's it. Get out. I am not taking you with me. Get out now. "

Zhan Zhao panicked a little and looked outside. It was almost midnight, no one was there outside, just some occasional drunken laughters could be heard.

Yutang also regretted after he said that. Zhan Zhao froze on his spot, because he did not know if he can get a ride this late, or how much time he has to wait before any ride comes for him. But he thought he needs to get out as it is Yutang's car, and he is the one who told him to get out.

So he slowly stretched out his hand to open the door, but Yutang grabbed him furiously.
Yutang said with a hint of anger, "You know how to always argue with me but now you won't say a word of protest? Do you want to get away from me that much? "

Zhan Zhao was upset, "You are the one who told me to go away! "

"And since when you are so obedient you silly? " Yutang said childishly. "Let's just go to my house. My brother will bring Shen Wei there soon anyway. Bear with me a little longer. "

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