A Little Courage

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'a deal? What did that mean? ' Wang Zheng was curious and agitated and also felt grief.

Yunlan continued without retracting his gaze from the person on his front, "Yes. You heard right. Actually now you don't have any way out. So it's better for you to give in."

Wang Zheng stabled himself realising now is not the moment to falter.
He asked, "what do you propose? "

Yunlan smiled, "now you are asking the right question. As you see, I already revealed my identity to you, so that you can understand my sincerity regarding this matter. "
He stepped a little further than the miserable father who just came running to find his son.m, to give him space, physically and also mentally.

"It is quite simple you see. You surrender yourself to the police. Admit you are wrong. And i will take care of the money you need for your child's medication. "
Yunlan carefully stated his condition.

But, in reality, Yunlan didn't need to do this anymore. He already video tapped everytime happened including Wang Zheng's confession. Though he would be in a tough spot to reveal the whole details to the court because he is also doing something which can be considered as blackmailing. So it's better if Wang Zheng takes the step himself.

He also thought about the child who is sick. In this way, if the dealing is okay, then the child will have no problem regarding his treatment. Yunlan thought about the child, he is such a innocent cute little kid. He hasn't even seen anything yet. It's too early to give up on a kid like that. No, it felt wrong.

Wang Zheng stood there considering his choices. He asked in a shaky voice, "What is the proof that you will take care of it after I surrender? You can ditch me.. Like my master did! "

Yunlan tilted his head a little, "I am sorry but you have to belive in my request. You do understand that I cannot give you a contract about this. "

Wang Zheng again lowered his head, pondering, visibly getting anxious every moment.

At that time, Zhan Zhao ran out from the corner where he was hiding, before Bai Yutang could stop him.

He stepped anxiously in front of the butler who looks exhausted. Yunlan was a little shocked.

"I know you are a good person. Right now you are just confused because you don't know who to trust. But as much as you don't want your kid to die without proper treatment, my brother.. No.. Not only my brother but my father may not live anymore if Shen Wei gets punished for something he didn't even do. " His hand were clenched into a fist, "I request you to surrender yourself. You can trust Yunlan... He is a nice person who values his own word. If he says it then he will surely take care of everything. So please... " He bowed to Wang Zheng.

Zhan Zhao understand that both of them are pretty much in a same situation where a very close person of them is in danger. It needs to be dealt with emotionally, not as a business contract.

Wang Zheng stared at Zhan Zhao for a time being. Then he looked at Yunlan with uncertainty in his eyes, to which Yunlan smiled softly, blinking firmly to assure him.

Then Wang Zheng took a deep breath and said, "okay... I will do as you say. "

Zhan Zhao who was still bowing, looked up surprised.
Yunlan eyes widened for a moment then he relaxed slowly.
"Good choice. Since you are surrendering by yourself, I will help you to your punishment years. "

Wang Zheng's shoulder drooped but his eyes looked like it found a new source of light. He asked,
"Where is my child? Can I.. Can I see him? "

Yutang now came out from his hiding and said, "Who don't you call in your home? They can answer better. "

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