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On hearing Zhan Zhao, Yutang felt like he was struck by lightening. Yunlan and Shen Wei were equally confused.

Shen Wei worriedly asked, "What? "

Zhan Zhao shrugged, "Why are you surprised? Did you not hear what the cops said few days ago? "

Shen Wei tried to get up but Yunlan forced him to stay seated.
Yunlan then looked at Zhan Zhao and said, "Your father died in an accident. "

"How do you know that? " Zhan Zhao fumed in anger.

Yutang was silent all this time, now he could not take it anymore. He yanked Zhan Zhao arm ro face him and asked, "What are you trying to say? "

Zhan Zhao could sense Yutang's anger but he has already decided. "I said what I said. You know what I am trying to say. I am saying how do you know that your father was not the one who made all this happen? That damn driver was your father's man! "

Yutang raised his voice, "You have gone mad! Father would never tell someone to kill a person. "

Zhan Zhao said lightly smiling in pain, "Your father had no problem in seeing Shen Wei rot in jail though. "

"No that's not true. Father just took a neutral stance... He would do that for anyone because he would gain nothing defending Shen Wei. " Yutang said trying to imply that his father can be like an immoral businessman indeed but not a criminal.

Zhan Zhao sighed deeply. He looked aside and said, "I don't care and I will go till the end. You can keep being the perfect son of your father. I am not telling to help you. "

Saying that Zhan Zhao left not saying anything anymore. He slammed the door behind him and locked it quickly. He leaned on the door to support himself and finally broke down into tears.

It is clear in his heart that he does not like arguing with Yutang. But he can understand him. There is no way he can tell him to support when that means it is the son going against his father. So of course, it is clear that Yutang would choose his father. And that only means both of them going in the opposite direction now.

Yutang looked at his brother and Shen Wei sternly and left the drawing room without wasting a minute. Shen Wei and Yunlan was only there, silent.
Shen Wei said first, "I don't know what is he saying... Let me talk to him first. "

Yunlan was disturbed indeed but listening to Shen Wei's voice, he instantly turned towards him to calm him down.
"No need to worry needlessly Shen Wei ah~ I also understand where is he coming from. And I don't blame him for it at all. "

Shen Wei nodded gratefully at Yunlan's understanding but he still can't help but worry about Zhan Zhao. He knows his brother too well. He never forces things on anyone, and he doesn't support unjust.
As a son, it is not weird for him to seek revenge but if his next step brings danger on himself..... that's something Shen Wei can not allow. As a family, he has only his little brother left.

Yunlan smiled softly at Shen Wei who was sinking in his own world. Looking at how Shen Wei sat in the chair, perplexed, Yunlan bended over, getting close to Shen Wei's ear and blew into it. Startled Shen Wei put his hand on his ear and looked at Yunlan who was smiling widely, "Don't frown! You angels should not be concerned about earthly matters like this. Your beauty will be reduced! "

Listening to such childishness Shen Wei could not control his laugh. "You have such a weird way to turn my mood... "

Yunlan nodded satisfactorily and said, "it is quite simple. If you are sad, then I should flirt with you, if you are angry, then flirt and if you are embarrassed, then flirt even more. That's my motto. "

Shen Wei's ears turned red and he found himself speechless.

Seeing that Shen Wei is not frowning anymore, Yunlan slid into the chair in front of him and held Shen Wei's hand. His eyes locked on Shen Wei's doe eyes who was confused at Yunlan's sudden closeness. Then he said seriously, "I don't know what happened. But i will be by your side no matter what. Even if I have to turn my back against the world, I would do it without hesitation. So don't even think of leaving me in the name of doing me good. I am telling you, no matter what happens we will face it together. "

Shen Wei's eyes moisted as he said in a broken voice, "I don't want you to go against the world though... I.. I should be the reason of your happiness.. Not your trouble. I should not be someone for whom you will quarrel with your father and brother. Never.. "

Yunlan looked at Shen Wei, who could still stay selfless even after all that and said, "We humans do not have such power... We do not have such power to be only a source of happiness in someone's life. With happiness there is bound to be trouble and sadness. But we have to live through it. And that will make our bond strong and worth it. So don't you never speak such nonsense. "

Shen Wei really doesn't want to think anymore. With everything at stake, if Yunlan is willing to stay beside him, then how Shen Wei can run away like a coward. So he just gave in to that mental luxury that Yunlan gives him so unconditionally. He could only hold their tangled hand tighter and closer.

Yutang was mad and listless beyond words. He didn't know what he should do next. 'Zhan Zhao... That idiot' he kept saying under his breathe. After their dispute, he just came into his room and laid flat on the bed, looking at the ceiling, trying to calm himself.

"What is Zhan Zhao thinking? Does he want his father to take punishment? He wants his father to end up in jail? " Yutang asked himself. "And how can he expect me and Yunlan to support him?? Is he declaring war on us? Is he that eager to go against me like that? "

He is usually very calm and in a few days he has seen how this Zhan Zhao can mess with his mood so easily. No matter how much of a strong front he want to keep, he just crumbles down so ridiculously in front of Zhan Zhao. He found himself getting mad realizing that maybe someday he and Zhan Zhao has to be on opposite side, fighting against each other. And the thought of being someone Zhan Zhao hate stings him more than anything.

He looked through the balcony, and stared into the endlessly sky blankly. "But I can't really blame Zhan Zhao, can I? "

He averted his gaze and searches for his phone. Then he opened the contact list and his fingers fumbled around his father's number, not daring to press it.

He took a deep breathe and decided to call anyway. While calling a part of him wanted his father not to receive, but soon the call connected despite his wish.

"Father? Are you busy? "

" I am not. What is it that you want to say? "

"Father... You knew about Shen Wei and Yunlan, Didn't you?

" Your point? "

"Do you know what happened to Shen Wei's father? "

"Yes I know that. But I don't understand why both of you are still concerning yourself with those two brothers? If you  listened to me then I would not have to take such measures! "

Yutang's heart wavered unknowingly, he could not help but ask,
"What measures you mean? Like telling someone to kill their father and Shen Wei? "

"What nonsense! You? You of all people are accusing me of such thing. Are you two that bound to go against me for such trifle reasons? Yunlan... He is an idiot. He has always done whatever he wants not caring about anything. But you... Where did your conscience go? Is it for that I took care of you all these years so that you can betray me? I can't believe you at all. Now you understand why I wanted those two brothers away from you? They are making my sons question me about nonsensical things! "

Yutang steeped his eyes close heavily and said, "I am sorry father for asking you such a question. But if you did not do anything then... I will.. Always.. "

"Huh? So if I did such a thing you will take your father's enemy's side? Is that what you want to tell me?You should live your life like how I want you to! Enough Yutang. Don't make me regret picking you up from street and making you so eligible. You owe me a lot more than that. "

The phone disconnected harshly. And the silence never choked Yutang so hard before ever.

See ya sooooon!

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