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Shen Wei was running late, for his meeting or maybe 'date' with Yunlan. He hurried as much as he can and it was the first time Shen Wei felt angry at the traffic system of their city. He was already 15 minutes late and the traffic jam made it more difficult. Now he is half an hour late, continuously praying that Yunlan wouldn't leave.

He texted Yunlan many times, apologizing, the latter told him not to worry and just come there comfortably but he can't help but become restless.

It's not very long when Shen Wei sorted out his own feelings and finally admitted his obvious feelings for Yunlan. As much as he was anticipating their first meet outside jail, he was nervous too, for absolutely no reason.

Shen Wei suggested his favorite restaurant and put on his favorite shirt to feel confident. He kept checking his watch every five seconds till he reached the spot.

He quickly paid the can driver and ran into the restaurant. The place was not that crowded but not that empty either.

Shen Wei was anxiously scanning the whole place searching for Yunlan with a smile, but his good mood went into trashbin when he saw Yunlan talking with three girls merrily.

Yunlan didn't notice Shen wei yet, He was telling something to the girls. One of the girl showed him her cellphone, and Shen Wei thought she was probably asking for his number. Yunlan said something with a smile, and the girls nodded obediently. After that Shen Wei noticed Shen Wei standing like a statue and he smile towards him. He quickly told bye to the girls and came to him.

Shen Wei was in sulking mode. He didn't like this interaction one bit but how can he complain?. Does he have any right to complain? No. Who is he to Yunlan?

He felt discouraged. He thought they felt a connection between them and he became depressed thinking that it was only him who felt like that.

Yunlan came to him and greeted him with his unusual mood, "at last the main guest arrived! Let's gooo! That's our seat. " He pushed Shen Wei to sit on a reserved table and Shen Wei obliged with a small smile.

Zhao Yunlan didn't notice his Shen Wei's mood change and he started to talk about what to eat, holding a menu card. Because Shen Wei was being unresponsive, Yunlan thought he is really being very talkative and told Shen Wei to choose the menu.

Shen Wei held the menu card thinking what should they order, he suddenly noticed, those three girls seating right opposite to their table. They were looking at them sometimes and then they would start chatting among them, smiling.

Shen Wei said in a low voice, "Yunlan, should we change the place? "

"Huh? " Yunlan halted. "What happened? It's your favourite place. "

Yunlan was now paying attention to Shen Wei fully, not getting distracted by the restaurant. He saw how Shen Wei was scratching the menu card with his one finger subconsciously. He felt that Shen awei was probably feeling uncomfortable.

Shen Wei was silent, thinking of an excuse but they he blurted out, "they are looking at us. Those people with whom you were chatting with... "

Yunlan glances towards their table and understood the situation. Is Shen Wei somehow jealous?
Yunlan wanted to smack himself for not noticing sooner. A mischievous smile played on his lips.

He said, "Are they? You see, I was always very popular. " He posed with a peace sign towards Shen Wei.

Shen Wei smiled a little, "yeah? So did you give your number to them? "

Shen Wei was facing the girl table directly, and since Yunlan was sitting in an angle beside him, the girls could only see Yunlan's side profile.

So Yunlan got up from his seat and slowly moved, approaching Shen Wei from behind. Shen Wei's eyes followed Yunlan as he expected.

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