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Shen Wei surely was familiar with the name of Yunlan as he heard about him many times from his father, and have seen him in newspaper also. He manages all the law related things in their company and he is very capable.

"Are you that Yunlan? I mean father's boss's son? " Shen wei asked to confirm it.

"Yes. Why? " Yunlan asked sensing the doubt in Shen Wei's voice.

"Ah sorry. I just didn't think that the boss will actually send someone to rescue me. " Shen Wei admitted. He knew his father is gonna plead to his boss, but he wasn't sure about the outcome.

Yunlan laughed at that. "Sure that's the case. I came here on my own account. My father doesn't know about it. "

"I see. But there was no way that.... Does my father know? " Shen Wei asked.

"Not yet. But soon he will know. I wanted to meet you first. " Yunlan said.

Shen Wei was behind the bars, his eyes showed tiredness, his face was one of the worries but still he managed to look beautiful Yunlan thought.

"Can you tell me what happened from your point of view? " Yunlan asked carefully.

Shen Wei smiled sadly "my story is short and simple. Probably that's why no one is believing me. " He sighed and started to say his view one more time that he told to the police officer yesterday many times.
"I was returning from my work. I remember my brother wanting to eat ice cream from his favorite shop so I changed my usual route and took that road where co-incidentally something illegal was happening. Well I didn't know. The road seemed empty. But suddenly a man ran towards me with a bad and we both fell. I crashed into a car which was parked nearby and the other man fell on the middle of the road. I had a bag with me also which fell near him. I was going to check on the man who fell, but the other man got up very quickly and he seemed in hurry. So mistakenly, he gripped my bag, instead of his and ran away before I could confirm his condition. The light was very dim in that road, I didn't realize that my bag was exchanged. Both bags were dark so it seemed same in that little light. When I got up with the bag, a group of cops came and caught me. They said I was running with the ransome money and they surely got it from me. I got arrested. Later on found out that in the car behind me, I mean the the car with which I collided, a kid was found sleeping. Apparently I know the kid, he was a four year old kid from my kindergarten school. "

He finished. Yunlan was listening very attentively so Shen Wei felt a little good.

"I don't know if you believe me or not but I am happy that you gave me the chance to speak and listened to me. " He said.

Yunlan said, " I get the picture now. But I have to see what the police say also. "

"I understand. " Shen Wei smiled.

"But I think I will end up taking your case. " Yunlan said with a smile.

"That's your decision. "Shen Wei said. " But yeah. It will be good if you tell the kid's family to be careful. I mean the ransome money was found with me. So, if you think I am innocent, then the real culprit may try to do something again to the kid. Poor kid, he doesn't deserve it. They should be careful. I told this to the cops but they won't convey my messages because for them I am the guilty one. "

The sincerity in Shen Wei's eyes convinced Yunlan that he was really worried about the kid, despite him being in a troublesome situation.

'Surely an interesting person.' He said in his mind and smiled.

"You got it. Bye then. See you later. " Yunlan winked at him making the other one flustered at his bold behavior.

After meeting the inspector in charge he came out and slide into his car's driver seat, thinking all the things and then he yelled. Yutang was seating beside him, playing some games.

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