Falling apart

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The ride to their home was quiet for some time before Yunlan burst into anger, "What the fuck happened? "

Yutang was now fully awake, continuously calling Zhan Zhao's phone but, it was only telling him to leave a message.
He huffed frustrated and said, "I don't know but let's go check out their workplace tomorrow. "

Yunlan's mind was becoming hazy and he felt so helpless. He nodded knowing he has to be patient now. Shen Wei must be okay and waiting for him somewhere. He knows it.

Yunlan and Yutang did not know how they spend the night, and the next morning, Yunlan drove to Shen Wei's school and Yutang went towards the little cafe where Zhao used to work as a part-timer.

Yunlan could always be calm at any situation but now he felt like his head was spinning when he could not find Shen Wei anywhere. With his very shaky hands, he called Shen Wei's number but it couldn't be reached as usual.
Not knowing what to do, he decided to pay a visit to the headmaster.

But it was not very helpful. All he got to know that Shen Wei's younger brother came and requested him to give a leave to his brother for some period of time.

But officially, one needs to give a letter first before going into a long vacation, so the headmaster denied it.
But then Zhan Zhao pleaded with him saying his brother is not very well.

Hearing that Yunlan felt his blood cold. He asked impatiently, "What in the world happened? Is Shen Wei okay? "

But the only response he could get from the headmaster was "Sorry, I don't know."

As he still could not locate Shen Wei's whereabouts, he hoped that Yutang may find something. He could not just stand there doing nothing, so he decided to visit every place Shen Wei may go to, but his introverted lover doesn't like going around that much. His heartbeat was getting faster and faster thinking it was something serious.

Yutang, on the other hand, madly ran into the coffee shop where Zhan Zhao works. He could not see him so he directly went to the manager's desk.

The manager knew him as he resolved some problems for then before and he heartily welcomed him.

But Yutang hurriedly asked about Zhan Zhao.
"Where is Zhan Zhao? Does he still work here? "

The manager was a little startled at first then he scratched his head apologetic, "I am sorry. I can't tell you about him. He strictly forbid it. Especially you. "

"Huh? " Yutang was baffled.

The manager again said, "Sorry sir. I know you are close with him but that boy is going through some shit now. So at least I have to keep my promise to him. "

Yutang's eyes were narrowed at that.
"Manager! You understand that I am not his enemy or something. If something I am here to help! But I can't find him anywhere. If you don't tell me, how will I understand the situation? "

Then manager still shook his head denying to say anything. But then he said, "He will come here at 5pm, his shift ends at 9pm. When he comes you deal with him directly. I don't know anymore."

"Ah thank you very much! " Yutang said grateful and almost hugged the bald manager. Then he quickly coughed to composr himself and ran out of the shop to inform Yunlan.

He told Yunlan to wait for him till the night.

Yutang did not wait at the cafe but the car. It was getting a little dark, and his heart beat quicker. 'For whom did he worry for so much last time? '

He muttered a little angry, "Damn kitty, only knows how to cause trouble. "

But his anger swept away instantly when he saw Zhan Zhao entering the cafe, carrying a side bag, with a very depressed face. It was like his life has suddenly flipped upside down.

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