A Deal

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After kicking out Yutang and Zhao from his car, Yunlan drives to the jail with full speed. He finally sees a light between lots of confusions and he doesn't want to lose it. But for that, he felt that he needed to talk it out with Shen Wei.

He reached the cold dark bars of the jail. Usually the atmosphere should be very eerie and gloomy but when he heard some chattering and Shen Wei's little laughter, he instantly felt warm.

With a smile, he approached the later, "Good morning! "

Shen Wei was a little startled when he saw Yunlan so early. The late middle aged constable who was talking with Shen Wei, left after patting his head once. Shen Wei smiled at that affectionate gesture.

Yunlan joked lightly, "what is this? You are turning everyone into your fan! "

Shen Wei lowered his eyes a little, fingers all fidgety to digest Yunlan's teasing. Then he smiled and looked up saying, "you look good today. Yesterday you were all upset... Because of my case. "

"That's normal. Life has its ups and downs. But I seriously want you out of here as soon as possible. So about that, I wanted to ask you something. " Yunlan said getting close to the iron bar.

"Sure. Ask away. " Shen Wei said a little dumbfounded.

"Shen Wei.. I know, if may sound weird. But do you mind if I take some.. Umm.. illegal route to solve this problem? " Yunlan said with hesitant voice.

Shen Wei' s eyes widened. "No please. Never! You definitely can not do that. There is no way I would want someone harmed for my sake.... Also you can get in trouble... "

Yunlan stopped the agonized Shen Wei by putting his index finger to Shen Wei lips, his first gets brushed lightly against Shen Wei's gorgeous red lips.
"Yo! I am not gonna commit murder or anything. It will be a staged kidnapping.. I promise. Don't get so worried. No one will be harmed. Also...Don't shout. "

Yunlan nervously looked around, then again looked back at Shen Wei.

Shen Wei did not understand what is going on, so he can't do anything but looked at Yunlan with confusion in his brown beautiful eyes.

"What do you mean? " Shen Wei asked in a whispering voice.
Yunlan laughed thinking, 'you don't have to get that low... '

"As I said before! Put some trust on me. If I wanted to use drastic illegal means then you would have been out in a second... But that's not what I want. I want to prove your innocense to everyone. So I need some information." Yunlan said, his usual grin brings out his dimples.

Somehow Shen Wei felt consoled after seeing the other's innocent smile and his heart said this man won't do anything bad. Realizing what he was thinking, he was overwhelmed by a warm feeling. It hasn't happened to him before, a stranger earning his complete trust only after some few days of meeting. Shen Wei sure doesn't like to put his guard with everyone that strictly, but he is not that always emotionally available too.

But with Yunlan, he feels completely different. That unknown and not unwelcome feeling that he always felt upon seeing the later was almost becoming something concerning for him.

And he has this wild idea that Yunlan also reciprocates it.

So many troubling thoughts was going in bis mind that he forgot that he was shamelessly spacing out, wile looking towards Yunlan.

Yunlan snapped his fingers breaking Shen Wei's chain of thoughts, "Back to earth Mr. Shen Wei. " Yunlan pointed his index finger to the ground amusingly.
"Where are you lost? I need your help! "

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