42. Doctah

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I just wanted to mention that it's Schneep's birthday today-- Happy Birthday Hen! He is zhe best doctah and I think we should all appreciate that :D

Henrik sat down on the sofa, the other egos sitting around him. It wasn't much of a birthday at all, Anti's loss being a heavy burden on their backs.

'Happy birthday by the way, bro.' Chase murmured, dropping a gift on the pile by the fireplace before flopping onto the sofa.

'Zhank ju.' Henrik said, just as quietly, curled up in the corner of the other couch with a book.

Jackie had quit his job for a short amount of time, furious at Abe and trying to help Chase through this. The trickshot had hid his sadness this time, not cutting, not drinking, just sitting there in blank silence. He would sit there for hours on end, silently staring into space.

Jackie would often sit on the sofa next to him, reading a book or just scrolling through Instagram. Sometimes all you need is someone to just be there for you. Words aren't needed.

Once in a while Jackie watched a movie, and Chase would curl up next to him. Sometimes Marvin would join them, and they almost always fell asleep on the sofa together.

Their bonds were getting stronger, and a lot of egos congratulated Jackie on that; It was hard to get Chase to warm up to you.

Jackie strolled into the joint kitchen and sitting room, yawning and cracking his back. His eyes automatically slipped over to look for Chase; The single father had fallen asleep on the couch, huddled next to Robbie, who was petting Anti Jr. The zombie's amethyst eyes raised to meet Jackie's crystal blues.

'He's okay.' Robbie said quietly, petting Chase's floofy hair. 'He won't talk to me, though.'

'He doesn't talk to me either.' Jackie shrugged, going over to POUR HIS MILK FIRST AND CEREAL AFTER BECAUSE HE DON'T WANT HIS CEREAL TO GET SOGGY-

Robbie rolled his eyes at Jackie humbling himself, eyes sliding back to the TV. He had played his favourite channel on Youtube on the computer and connected it to the TV screen through a HDMI cable. The channel name was Jacksepticeye. Marvin walked in, scoffing as he saw what was playing.

'Really, dude? Do we not see enough of the guy?'

Robbie shook his head, pursing his lips. He really loved Sean; Of course he would, Sean was basically their father figure, most of all to the childish ego, Robbie.

'Hey.' JJ signed suddenly, catching everyone's attention; 'Do you think we should tell Dark?'

'Ooooooh, crap.' Jackie swore. 'Nope. No. Nada. He'll kill us all.'

Marvin nodded.

'Are you suecidal, JJ? The guy would kill us, literally.'

'I think we should.' Chase spoke up, and all eyes fixed themselves on him.

'Ju do it zhen.' Henrik whipped the phone in Chase's direction, and the trickshot nodded, taking it and dialling the number.

'Hello?' Captain Magnum's voice boomed through the receiver.

Everyone was silent;

No one actually expected Chase to do it--

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