Chapter 5- Black Gloved Traitors

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"Jisoo you have everything right?" Jungkook asked me. Currently, it's 5:45 am two weeks from when u last saw us and we have been catching clues on everyone who could be a spy. "Let me give a re-cap of the plan we looked over the CCTV footage and found one clue that led us to believe that the spy is from this agency. His build was not too big and he had no weapons on him, from what we saw he wore a pair of black gloves he also had a black tattoo on his right hand. Since the footage was distorted and discolored we couldn't find much."I finished explaining with a sigh.

Jungkook sat in thought as he heard me ramble on the bed opposite to me in our room with his legs crossed."Why do we have to wake up so early, Fuck this I'm going to bed." He grunted as he pulled the cover over his head and laid on the pillow.

The hair on my skin was standing "YAHHH! We woke up early to see who exists and enters the agency, we need to find this spy, or I'm going to beat your ass!" I screamed in an annoyed tone.

With his head removed from the cover, he looked at me with a sly expression"That's called spanking Sooya." I was so used to his snarky comments all I could do was roll my eyes. "Get up we need to leave soon, don't forget tonight is the meeting."

Over these past few weeks my suspicion over him grew larger, he keeps taking mysterious calls and every conversation we have doesn't give me any info on him. I even googled him and NOTHING came up. This guy doesn't exist, I bet Jungkook isn't even his real name. But tonight I'm going to get to the bottom of it. 

"If you wanted a show you should have just asked" Jungkook snarked while standing there shirtless, I had been so in thought I completely forgot about what I was doing. I just humphed as I turned my head, god he makes my face turn red."You know I was spacing off, plus why didn't you tell me you were changing, I would have left the room." I said with my face still turned to the wall. Sharing a room got harder with him, he seems dangerous, but his personality completely contradicts that he is reckless and squeezes the bottle whenever I drink something just to piss me off, he even makes sure to always carry my plate after we eat even if I ask for it or not. He's childish but makes jokes like a playboy. If I wasn't an assassin I would probably be in school, I don't even know what prom or having a boyfriend feels like. 

"Jisoo you ready" Jungkook's deep voice cut me out of thought as I just stared blankly at him, he was already at the door ready to leave. I shook my head to stop myself from getting lost as I walked towards him. When I reached him he put an arm around me. As his arm reached my shoulder I gave him a death stare he simply just looked at me grinning with his teeth showing. I shook my shoulder violently, making him remove his arm. "If you get mad so easily you'll start having a tomato-like face." He joked as we both walked to the main headquarters.

 Only a few were able to enter the headquarters and those few needed to be approved by the boss before entering. The two entered a hall as a group of assassins sat in a hall. "Here are the two who are going to be heading out now for the mission" Said Daesung as he pointed at us. "What do you mean now?!" Jungkook said with his eyebrows furrowed as he scanned the room.

"Change of plans, the spy couldn't wait so he sent a new location and changed the time."Daesung calmly said as he added sugar to his morning coffee. "You didn't expect this to happen, are you really that dumb," he said mocking them which only made Jungkook stare at him with his eyes narrowed. Nobody, not even Jisoo had the guts to do that. "Keep staring like that and I'll make you beg for forgiveness." Daesung saying that made the tension in the room grow. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Jungkook's fists clenched, I knew how he felt. I put my hand in his and squeezed it twice. He turned to me a bit surprised, I looked at him in the eyes and shook my head. Don't do this now, please don't get hurt. Jungkook sighed as his eyes got kinder and looked back at the boss. "Where is this new location?"

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