Chapter 14- My Stupid Hero

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[Few hours before the meeting]

"It has been getting hard, I miss home but I think I can get the closure," He held his hand to the bottom of the phone whispering to his teammate. Nobody should hear this if they knew he could get killed

"Jungkook, this is one of the longest ones, we can't give up now you know that. I want to meet you too even the boys here miss you a lot." Tae said from the receiving end. He was on a call with his best friend, no scratch that he was on the phone with his brother.

"I know but it will be fine, the more we work, the easier it gets," Jungkook said in his usual cool tone, with his hand on his waist and the other swinging by his side. There was a small hum from V on the other line, agreeing with what he just heard. 

"Remember why we're here" Was the last thing he told Tae before ending the line


They were raised by the same woman, a woman who loved them but never trusted them. This world defined trust by the word betrayal. It was not their fault they only knew this world as it was. This world to the two was ungrateful harsh and cold. 

"Hyung, Eomma is calling us for food" Little Jungkook called his 'older brother' He was wearing the same back shirt that had white dust pattern all over, in the same old painted room they shared. They lived above a tailor store, their caretaker was one. She was a strict lady with rules that followed her mind. With the little empathy, she had for the unfortunate she took care of V and Jungkook until they could fend for themselves. She never even gave them her real name, she only asked them to call her Mrs. Jeong.

"Jungkook, she instructed to never call her Eomma. Dont you remember last time, we didn't get dinner because of you." Tae shouted at him coming closer and whisper-shouting at his face. This made him pout at his hyung's words. She took care of them, fed them, and even gave them clothes, that was the sweetest act anyone had ever shown them. Sure she was mean and scary, but if Jungkook ever had a nightmare she would be the one who'd teach him how to fight it off.

Little Jungkook jumped up from his seat and followed him down the street holding Tae's hand. They swang their hand in the air up and down and walked trying to crunch every dry leaf that came to their path. With the sun in front of them slowly starting to set, turning the sky from orange to blue they continued to talk about what they would eat and how they would grow up and be strong just like their 'Eomma'  This was love to them, this was as much as they got.

"I feel like beating up someone right now," said a plump older kid. He had his arms crossed and eyes narrowed looking at the two little kids in front of them. The grin on his face showed how ingenuine his intentions were and hit his fisted hand into his free open hand showing the beating they were about to get. Tae as usual took a step in front of him. Tae was always protective of Jungkook, whether he accepted it or not. His one arm shielding Jungkooks chest he increased his gaze on the bully. 

The bully shoved the child on the ground laughing at him, mocking his fear, "Is the baby going to cry" He mocked at Tae with his eyes curled up to his face showing an exaggerated cry as he continued to laugh. Tae scowled at this and pushed himself up," LEAVE US NOW!" Tae exclaimed almost in his begging tone. He hated fighting, the only reason he did was because he was Jungkook's acting older brother. "OPPA BE CAREFULL" Jungkook exclaimed from the sideline. 

"Go call your mommy, oh wait you don't have one"The bully smirked pushing one huge punch to the little kid in front of him. Tae was ready for the pain, he held his hands against his face trying to protect his face.

"DONT TOUCH MY HYUNG STUPID!" Jungkook came flying down on the bully with a pole he found laying down on the side one. he swung a huge fling against the bully almost knocking him out. He could see the fear in his eyes. This was the first time Tae saw Jungkook's bravery in action and little did he know that this was the start of Jungkooks courage. The bully was hit straight into the pavement staying motionless for a few moments.

"Mrs. Jeong will kill you if you kill him," Tae said calmly as he looked up at his little brother, trying to hide his smile. This would seem odd to people- who would believe that these two scrawny kids took down one giant bully, but if you knew how much the world tormented them, this hit would just be light grazing.

"YOU FREAKS" the bully slowly got you running back with a heavy heartbeat leaving blood on the concrete and blood on Jungkooks weapon. "I'll bring my friends and I'll beat you up one day," he said turning his head one last time to look at the two unsuspected heroes.

Jungkook laughed at his calmness "See Hyung I saved you today, I am the hero today" Jungkook plastered a huge smile on his face. He put his hands to his sides giving a hero's pose and felt Tae's hand mess up his hair which made him laugh even more. They held their hands together again as they walked down the aisles, now a little less scared with their new weapon to keep them safe.

Jungkook as a kid would get the two always in some sort of trouble. When you're poor and you live in a bad part of town, you just would have to keep your head low and make sure never to cause any disturbance. Tae would try and protect his little brother but for a little kid like him, it would like a buzzing fly- annoying but hard to kill.

Every evening it would be two 10-year-olds crying their way back home to their caretaker. She would heal their wounds and bandage everything up. It was her who taught them how to fight and defend themselves. Yes, she was old, but her fighting spirit was young. With dried-up tear streams on their cheeks and the clear scratch marks would make Mrs. Jeong worry so much about them. This was the main reason she would give them training.

The two boys got in dusting their shoes ready to tell their 'Eomma' all the events that happened today, she could even see the proud look on your faces. "Did you two fight again?" She asked worried putting down the clothes she was folding just a second ago. "Jungkook said Stupid today" Tae complained as he ran into the bathroom before his brother could fight him for tattling his secret out. "TAEEE!!!" Jungkook exclaimed before his brother closed the bathroom door. Mrs. Jeong just smiled at the two trying to his this sweet side of hers from the boys. 

"Get ready you two dinner will be ready in just a few" she instructed patting Jungkooks back twice leading him also to their room to get freshened up.

"My two boys oh how I love them so much," she thought.


New Halloween themed cover, it will be up for this week

Hope you liked the chapter :)

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