Chapter 17: Control

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"Because to the world, Kim Jisoo and Jeon Jungkook are dead" Dausung continued to laugh to himself as he left the room again leaving us alone, astonished, scarred.



Just as I thought Daesung sprung another surprise on us. Assassin or not, broken trust still hurts, whether it's from someone you had your suspicions on or your boss. The moment I entered our cabin, the wooden creek echoed the room and the dripping of water from the kitchen sink.

As a supposedly dead woman, this wasn't that bad. Don't get me wrong it's no heaven, it's more of a heaven motel. Things got awkward between me and Jungkook, it hurt more than it should. At least more than I thought it would.

I opened my mouth to tell him something, anything. His cheery voice would be my therapy, telling me that this was some sick prank, some big joke.


He didn't even acknowledge me, instead, he walked straight to his room. This is so high school. I was taken aback as I felt creaking behind me. I swiftly turned, an enemy? did the man behind the mask find me, did they find us.

"Sooya, you look pale. Saw a ghost." Jin patted my back as he walked in front along with him came a few other boys all smiling nervously at me.

I looked at Jin who looked like he was waiting for my reaction. I gave him a 'what the hell are they' look. He simply Just shrugged,

"did Daesung really let some unknown clown in on his plan?!"

"Hey lady don't call us clowns" One of them called out to me

Shit did I say that out loud?

"So does clown number one have a name?" I asked, my agency didn't make no bitch. They needed to know who they were messing with

He simply smirked at me and took a step forward, "Its Taehung the most handsome"

Wow, he really did have an ego, I'm not arguing I liked our little banter more than I thought. "Did your mom give you that nickname" I smirked

"If I knew her, she might have"

My mouth made an 'o' completely forgetting that we were assassins. "Shit way to ruin a mood huh" I laughed as I sat down on the couch.

"No no it's fine, it gives me more jokes to make" He laughed, making me sigh inside. Thank god he took it lightly. He was pretty sweet the whole time, very similar to Jungkook

"So how do you and Jungkook know each other?" I asked him

He explained how they were childhood friends how they beat up bullies, got scolded together. They really were brothers.

"You and Jungkook are literally the same person" I laughed as I fell back on the couch. Damn this couch is so comfortable.

He gave me a perplexed look as if  I told him cows could fly "What do you mean?"

"You guys make the same jokes, very childish, you know. Like a literal child." I said which he looked quite surprised by. He gave the sort of look that told you 'oh is he now'

"Speaking of the devil let me go talk to him," Taehung said before getting off the very comfortable couch.

"Bye Tae" he smiled at the nickname


"I met a very lovely lady," Tae said leaning his body on the wall facing Jungkook with his arms crossed.

Jungkook barely lifting his eyes from the book he was reading on his bead he only eyes his brother giving him a questioning look.

"She says your cheery, childlike, sweet, flirty. Now, isn't that the flirting method I gave in fifth." He said sitting beside him and slowly dropping the book so he could see Jungkook's face. He gave a wide grin which made Jungkook roll his eyes.

"So you like the girl? She's hot don't get me wrong" Jungkook got up and proceeded to place the book back on the shelf that was not far from the bed. He was followed by Tae who loved annoying his little brother.

"No answer, so she's single for me?" Tae looked doe-eyed at his brother, knowing well enough that it would get a reaction. To his demise, he only got a small glare.

"She would look so hot on my bed" Tae smirked before falling back on the bed. Wow, even this bed was comfortable, what was Daesung's investment in these cushions.

"Don't talk about her" Jungkook coldly said swiftly turning to Tae giving him a threatening look. Finally, a reaction. This was the Jungkook, most people knew. The cold one, the introvert. The version Jisoo knew was childhood Jungkook. At first, Tae didn't believe Jisoo's words. At work he was cold, at home he was too old for childishness. But with her.

Her effects on him were contagious.

"Ooh, defensive haven't seen that in a few years," Tae said.

"That girl is none of your business" he got closer to his Hyung. While Jungkook hated every moment, Tae seemed to enjoy it. Not the him getting angry part, but the him having a reaction part.

"Be careful you might just lose her to me, not my fault she might fall for me." He got up from the bed purposefully pushing Jungkook's shoulder as he walked past him making Jungkook grunt as he turned.

"You'd lose her along with everyone else" He became serious his tone dark. This was not the same Tae that everyone knew. This was the real him, the cold-hearted, fox.

Jungkook walked out of the room and saw Jisoo reading the dictionary. He laughed to himself at the mess he created. Nobody read the dictionary unless it was a cover. She heard most of it, at least the parts where they didn't whisper to each other.

"If you want your disguise to be more hidden you might need this" Jungkook walked up to her flipping the book right side up.


This boy didn't just scowl at me and just walk away, what the fuck was wrong with him.

I pulled his shoulder "What's wrong with you? what did I do?"

"Leave my shoulder" he commanded, but he would be wrong if he thought I would stop there.

I followed him to his room "Just tell me, please!" I asked, no I begged.

Still, no response, what did I do so wrong, it wasn't my fault he got caught by Daesung. I had never seen him this arrogant, this cold. Was this the Jungkook everyone saw?

"JUNGKOOK!" I screamed, maybe louder than I should have. I was on the verge of going insane, why was he bothering me so much, even by doing nothing.

"What I did" he laughed "LET ME TELL YOU WHAT YOU DID!"

"You get me distracted, you make me joke around, you make me laugh, you make me want to tear down walls, you made me lose my guard, if not for you I wouldn't have gotten caught!"


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