Chapter 9 -Super Oppa

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Jisoo POV

Evening came by faster than usual, no matter how much you trained your mind couldn't stop thinking about what happened at noon. 


Suddenly you were pushed to the wall with Jungkook's hand blocking you from leaving "Is that so" He stared dead into your brown eyes. You two were so close you could feel each other's breath against your own. You didn't like him ...right, so why was this so hard. Sadly your body revealed a part of your true feeling.


"Somebody is blushing over here, come get a load off this," Rosé laughed as she entered the before silent training. As the sun's climax hit your face you looked up feeling your face, it was warmer than usual. "You seem more cloudy than usual, it started after that Jeon boy came over." she looks at you with a dirty look, "~somebody has a crush~" she teases you.

"CHINCHA! you girls don't leave me, "you exclaim getting up from the wooden bench you both were sitting on. "I have to train for tomorrow's mission, you and Jennie have been teasing me all day." 

You wrap a white cloth around your knuckles and walk up to the used punching bag, with your right foot forward and your left arced for an attack you strike one strong punch. Rosé eventually joins you after sipping some water from her favorite rose gold water bottle. "Doesn't it seem weird how Jungkook keeps getting these calls, like yesterday I wanted to take a picture from his phone but he got so defensive." she randomly blurted.

Oh shit, I completely forgot about how he keeps hiding his true intentions, like an idiot I go liking him.

"Same! people tell me he is just private and doesn't like to share but I think it's more than that. You wanna work on it together wanna get to the bottom of this? " you stop training momentarily to look for her acceptance.

"HELL YEAH!" Rosé exclaims as she pounds your fist in joy. "What if his big secret is a porn addiction or something." she sighs which only made you giggle continuing to train harder. The few hours after that was silent, it wasn't awkward or anything, instead, it was peaceful. The ceiling fan swinging and the punching you could hear in the background brought peace to your mind. You were listening to your favorite music and punching to the beat even if you didn't realize. You turn to speak to Rosé who was just next to you a second ago. You look around the room it's empty, you sigh thinking she must have said bye but you wouldn't have heard. You check the time and it was pretty late, you also felt sweaty everywhere which you hated.

Oh well looks like it's pretty late, better get ready for bed before it's too late.

Every noise had died down, there was a sudden darkness to your surrounding, you didn't believe in ghosts as such but this eerie air you felt could make anyone believe you were in a haunted house. Your guard was up looking at every corner of every part. Each doorway you passed you felt like you were being followed. You slowly tried to rush to your room trying not to cause any suspicion. You usually didn't hide from danger but something about this danger seemed strong. It seemed undefeatable. Finally, your room door was ahead of you, you quickly shut the door behind you and sat down with your back against the door with your eyes closed tired from the stress.

What the hell was that, why does it connect to me.

You open your eyes again seeing your rather spacious shared dorm with Jungkook, there was a window straight at you looking over the cityscape, though it was covered with many buildings you could see the moon, finally at its apex. You get up to watch it for longer. The corner of your eyes finds an unknown peach thing under your bed.

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