Chapter 15: Behind the Mask

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My eyes were covered I felt chained to the wall, locked in my place. I gained a little more conscience before realizing I was locked in a cold iron chair. These capturers were experienced so escaping would be way less fun. If it was an amateur it would be made of wood and the escape would be easy. A simple jab to the armrests and the chair would be broken leaving me with a wooden stake as a weapon. The first thing I always did was use my senses to my advantage, I smelt the crisp cold air. We were inside a room, I could hear echoes of when I tried to move. I felt cold throughout all of me, my clothes were off leaving only a small biker short and a sports bra left on me. Those perverts! My mouth was bounded by a rigid rope moving it made my skin bleed. The rough edges felt like thorns on my skin. I tried some more investigating before I heard voices from out the door. I went back to my dazed self pretending to be still unconscious for a chance to overhear some clues. I couldn't hear shit and it frustrated me. I could feel a presence walking to me and it made me shiver

What's this! I never flinch at fear

"Stop pretending coward" Their deep voice inched up on me making me unprepared. They must have seen me flinch at the coward part, I could help myself. "We can do the happy route if you just listen to everything I say" The 'he' I presumed threatened me. I chuckled loud enough for him to hear me through the cloth. He grunted at me taking this lightly, I didn't fear him, not yet alteast. I decided to play safe and not pose as a threat, as soon as 'he' left id be escaping. The capture took off my mask and revealed a black mask with a voice changer box at his mouth. I looked over him getting all the clues I could

"Now there let's play this safe, just answer these questions and I'll let you go," He said lightly through his mask. I hesitated to look over, I saw a camera taping all of my moments, motions and would probably be used as a threat to get me to speak. I looked closely and strike 

*Clue 1:There was our embassy's packing in which the camera was kept in -This capturer is from our company

"Answer!" He banged the wall that was close by me getting my attention to him again. He pulled out a pocket knife using it as a threat. He traced the knife over my hands that were dry and dusty with grey prints. I locked my gaze harder into his, I  was not going to give him the pleasure of my voice. Looking at the watch he wore, it was a 1998 collection from the unfamous but fancy collection only found in France. Fancy pants is he. I snarked which was enough to bring the capturer to reach his edge. He inserted the knife into my palm, making me scream with pain. The pain only made him calmer. "Kim Jisoo answer me now!" He called me by my full name leaving me more confused. 

Think Jisoo, THINK!

I started to sweat the pressure got into me and the pain of the knife in my hand didn't help either. I couldn't move even an inch or my body would go in overdrive. No matter what I was not giving away information. That's what we were taught no matter what don't surrender. 

"Dont cry sweet Jisoo" He taunted my pain," Let's make this a game why dont we" 

I didn't want to play, I only contained to observe. THE WATCH that's. I needed a closer look to confirm my suspicions but to distract him was the hard part. I struggled to move the cloth on my mouth showing him I wanted to speak. I didn't expect him to help remove it but if I struggled enough he would bring his hand closer for me to see the watch. It was 1 minute fast and only one person was an assassin with a broken watch like this. Someone who was under our noses the whole time.

Lucky enough for me he reached his hands over pulling it down. I saw the watch and there it was my final clue. "I'm not telling you, anything traitor," I spat out, which to my regrets brought more pain to me. A punch to my stomach made my gut choke, but that wasn't it, he punched some more and then a little more for his own joy. That sick bastard! I choked up on my own blood leaving the white clothes that were left on me stained. "WHO DO YOU WORK FOR!" He screamed which in hindsight might look scary but made me smile. I was getting on his nerves, this would leave him making careless mistakes. 

"I work for you silly" I grinned with my eyebrows pinched looking up at his disheveled self. I got pressed against my wounded arm for answering snarky, which I obviously expected. "What's your relation with Jungkook" he got a closer look and threatened me but it was all child play for me.

"I dont even know, ask the boy yourself." I joked, if I knew what we were I would have answered. I expected some bullshit like this to pop out but half the surprise was not even revealed. I heard static from the television from my side, there on the screen was Jungkook

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM SICKO" I exclaimed, I didn't know what secrets Jungkook hide but I didn't think he had much combat experience. If he got hurt it would hurt me, he was my closest friend, I wanted more time with him. I prayed for his safety. I never cared for anyone but when he came into my life it made emotions confusing. I hated him, I hated how he made me feel, I hated how he made it hard for me to be cold, I couldn't forgive myself if he got hurt. 

I couldn't forgive myself if someone got hurt because of me

I could let that happen to me

Not again

Not ever

"Aww look at this shit show" the capturer mocked me. If he went on I would have broken down the chair, I would have torn this room brick by brick. I had to bring back the fear that came with me. It was time to reveal his identity.

The watch, the way he carried himself, everything about him screamed a certain someone.

This, someone, came into our lives so sudden, it had to be him.

"I'LL PLAY YOUR GAME JINYOUNG" I screamed, he was the only one with a broken like that, no one knew the reason. He started to giggle at my words

Why is he giggling, I just revealed his identity. 

Has he truly gone mad?!

"BZZT," He said imitating a wrong answer, I had to be right, there was not a single person who could be 'him'.

"You were way off, Kim. Can't believe you didn't inspect me enough from our last visit." He said I shook my chair violently to get my frustration out. "SHOW ME YOUR FACE, AND ILL PLAY YOUR GAME" I screamed, the capturer shrugged saying -If you say so-

He slowly removed his mask revealing... OH MY...It cant be

"Annyeong Haseyo Kim Jisoo" It was Daesung's sister...Jang Won-Young

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