The Fight

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Chapter 2
You awaken in the bed you fell asleep in last night. It wasn't too bad and the waves rocked you to sleep. Right time to get priorities in order, 1st get power back online. Just as you say that the light turns on. Is the ship listening to you? No it can't, can it? Well at least the lights work. Next would be the engine. And like you summoned a mighty beast it starts up with an almighty roar. Something off about this ship. Why does it respond to your thoughts? You make your way to the bridge, all the consuls are on, there is an old cowboy hat in the centre of a table that starts up as you pick the hat up. The table starts to show you precision and has a red blinking Wi-Fi signal. You tap it and it disappears, then the screen changes to a blonde woman.

"This is the battleship Queen Elizabeth, who am I speaking to" the blonde lady says how are you supposed to answer that.

"Umm... Well..." You start to say

"Spit it out who are you, actually don't have a lot of time, Pearl harbour is under attack by sirens, and we need help, get here now" the transition ended as the blonde leaves the screen. Well, that was interesting, the location for this Pearl harbour is shown on your map. Well, she said she needed you so your goanna help, so you walk over to the wheel and set the ship to full power and off you went. You are so surprised this thing can move, 'let attempt some maintenance while I'm on my way' you think to yourself.

The sail to this Pearl harbour was slow and uneventful you have managed to get one of the two quintuple tubes, a anti aircraft gun and one of the barrels to the twin barrels cannons you have up front. This is not good if a fleet can't fight these sirens, then how are you supposed to fight in this wreck. Well, the last crew did not fear the overwhelming odds, so why shall I. Then you see the fleet that's attacking the port it contains at least 3 battle ships 2 aircraft carriers and a shit load of destroyers.

"This is the HMS Queen Elizabeth. Does anyone copy" the blonde appears back on your screen

"This is Athena currently the caption of the blood blade I'm on my way to assist"

"Blood blade, umm... haven't heard of you, you one of the new iron blood ships, because you're on the wrong side of the war my dear if you are" she says with a little giggle at the end.
"Umm... No, I'm not from any faction" you admit you had no clue that there were factions to this war

"hum so you have a human crew, ok that new, well then leave the area we are trying to stop human casualties" she says with a stern look on her face.

"Umm I don't have a crew either I have no clue how I control this hole ship by myself it just dose what I think of sorts... I have no clue and I sound crazy right now. But it true" you say "And also, I'm heavily damaged so I will be not much more than a distraction"

"Don't do it if you not going to survive, we will all die if it saves one human life" well it a bit late to turn back now you have come up on one of the carriers you turn to broadside it and release all four of you torpedoes in to the side it goes down very quickly.

"Um I'm too deep in the shit to stop now" you say with a big laugh.

"Oi watch you mouth around the queen" another female voice says

"Hay who just took out a carrier" that good to know, carriers are a priority so with that in mind you charge the other carrier you realise that there is a small little stat, it shows you how badly screwed you were. But you see a little counter above the torpedo tubes you just fired it hit 0 and then they turn from white to green whereas the other one is red. You get close to this carrier but it looks like they know you here because the battle ships start to shoot at you with their secondary but you manage to doge past them glacially and you turn to broadside the carrier and release another load of torpedoes. They all hit and it sinks as quickly as the second one.

"Both carries are down, I repeat, both carries are down, all aircraft carriers release all planes now" you hear a man say and as he says that you see wave after wave of aircraft leave the base and head over you. The fight goes on for a bit you get 2 more sinks then your engine takes a shell immobilising you. you just sit there waiting for the last ship to sink you. As it turns its main guns to you it blows up.

"Good kill my queen"

"Why thank you hood" the blonde lady aspires on your screen again

"Umm can I have some help please my engine got hit so I can't move" then on cue a tug boat come over and tows you back to shore. But now here comes one of you biggest challenges yet, fingering out what's going on

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