Old Memory And Freinds

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Chapter 4

You slowly walk towards the main building on the base, you presume that it is where all the offices and administration teams are kept. Hang on what is an administration team. "Speak what on you mind, ship girl" the commander says in a cold tone, you open your mouth to speak then two little girls come running at you from around a building. And one in a small sailor's uniform knock you over. You and the little girl roll around for a little bit and by the time you stop moving she ends up sitting on your stomach.
"s-sorry m-miss I don't not see you there, please don't punish me" her eyes start to well up you lift one hand and brush her cheek gentle. She push's her head further in to your hand
"I will not punish you little one, not now, not ever." As you say 'ever', you pull you hand away. She leans down and gives you a big hug.
"Thank you miss" she says as she gets off you and bows slightly
"Now run along with your friend. Or I'll tickle you until you do" you take one step towards her and she turns and runs screaming, you chuckle to yourself, when she's out of sight you turn back to the commander "why would she think I would punish her?" You ask him. He just gives you a cold star.
"You look like Cleveland, and she makes them work as the royal maids, every time something happens, and little E hates that" He replies in a cold manner, Cleveland, that a ship. You know that much. And little E, does that mean there is a big E, maybe her mother. You got to ask around about that. Then a little E runs around the same corner hang on that not little E unless she has turned into a adult.
"Commander, have you seen the little E and little bel anywhere" she says then looks at you "Athena, is that you, ha you haven't aged in ten years, I had a feeling it was you and the HMS blood blade, once I heard that the was a crazy destroyer up in there safe space, how's the crew" you just look at the floor, she knew Athena, and if she mistaken you for her , how are you goanna tell her that her friends are dead and you have stolen the identity of one of the ones she was close with "Athena everything ok" you can't take this you just collapse and start to cry. Your vision starts to blacken. "Athena, you ok" then you lose all senses.
You open your eyes to a blinding light. Your eyes slowly adjust to the light you realise that your sat opposite the girl from earlier and on both sides, there are two women on her right is a blond that is dressed up like a cowboy and on her right and on the left is another girl with waist length silver hair and wearing a black dress.
You realise you're not on your own ever you have to girls ever side of you the look like twins one with pink hair, and one with pupal hair you realise that both "Athena everything alright" says the blonde, this snaps you back to reality. "Hornet leave the poor girl alone she must have a lot on her mind, she has to shadow a hole fleet by herself" the girl from earlier says.
"Sorry enterprise I just want are friend to be happy"
"Well, you have been known to be blunt and enty eat up" the third girl says the middle girl picks up a spoon full of soup.
"Better" she says
"Yorktown, stop winding you sisters up" says the pink hairs girl off my side
"Jasmine has a point, try be like us three, a joke here and there, but that's it, Athena, sister what do you think" you try to look lost while she asks you this so you can pick up her name.
"Athena" Jasmine says as she shakes you
"uh" you replied
"Alice asked you a question"
"Sorry, what do you say, Alice"
"So, you think where good sisters"
"Well, I can't say since you're my only sisters but we're defiantly better than that lot" you say pointing at the others everyone just laughs.
"She has a point" hornet says, then a guy runs in, "What is it"
"Athena it's time" he says. You know what he means
"This was fun galls I'll see you after the mission" you say
"Just don't be too cocky, and come home, ok" Jasmine says, you know you won't but you try to be convincing
"I will try dear sister" with That you follow the guy out.

You wake up to having enterprise standing over you. "Enterprise, is that you"
"Yes, Athena it is, you started crying then blacked out, what's wrong" she says with a loving smile
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you" You say, she just laughs
"Try me"
"I'm not the Athena you know. I mean, I could be, but I can't remember but I just had a memory of me, you, Jasmine, Alice, Yorktown and hornet at a pub just before I had mine... her final mission, is everyone still alive" you say, enterprise just stares at you with confusion at first, then horror, then finally she goes back to her loving smile
"Hornet and Yorktown are here but your sisters... well" she says
"What, I need to know" then her face goes from the smile you want to a face like she wants to cry "No.... no no no" you fall to your knees
"I'm sorry, Athena I really am" she says
"Is there a way to know if I am the real Athena"
"Well maybe" she says

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