A Last request and a broken shop

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Nimi point of view just before you walk in to athenas room
"hay she s gonna be ok, when she was human, she could walk away from things us ship girls, would need time to heal from, but now she's one of us, she will be unkillable" she laughs, I hope she s right, I need her.
"I really do hope so" you say as you open the door to athenas room,
"Hay girls, I'm glad you could make it" she says with a weak smile, you would not ever call it a ghost of a smile. "enterprise can I ask for a favour" she says as she looks at enterprise
"anything for a old freind" she says with a smile
"I would like you to return Nimi to her sister's, I'm goanna die, so this is going to be operation death bed"
she says in a low voice she is pale her skin is nearly completely white. Wait did she say return you
"but she... she can't I'm not hers to give back"
"ahh, little Nimi, there is so much you don't understand, although I'm loyal to commander, nothing can stop operation death bed, it was set by the admirals after all" enterprise says as she drops you lead, you instantly run over to Athena and hug her
"I want to stay with you, I will stay with you until you die and only then will I leave you" you say, you hear sniffing its not Athena, is the grey ghost crying.

Kaga's point of view, akashi shop

You have some how made it here before the queen "akashi we are going to have issues soon, close the shop, quickly" you say panting
"nya there are still more gems for me" she says
"look if you don't listen to me now there wi..."
"oh look what we have here girls" says the queen, no you know why you got here before them, thay brought friends, there is the original Trio plus alot of the royal navy and hornet and Yorktown
"what can I do..." then a plane explodes behind akashi
"where is it you greedy cat" says hornet
"nya, where a what" then another plane gose straight for akashi head she ducks under the desk just in time to avoid it,
"you know the wisdom cube" shouts yorktown
"nya I don't deal with wisdom cubes, ecck" akashi says as she ducks under a high explosive shell
"laffey saw you running away from the blood blade with a red one and now Athena is in hospital, so you must of done something" says laffy as she shoots a shell at akashi again
"akashi told akagi it was dangerous, but akagi had admirals force akashi and she has it nya" she says as she doges another shell
"hold girls, did you say akagi has it, why" says the queen
" she was going to take it to the admirals, but I took some reading and it might be able to help amagi" she say, wait this cube could help amagi" wait what
"where is she" says the queen
"her dorm, probably with cube aswell nya"

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