you need to repair more than just the port

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Chapter 45
You walk to the rubble of the command building to see all the Fletcher class, lead by Fletcher herself,
searching the wreckage. You look at Fletcher and see that she is busy giving orders. "Yeah, they have this
covered. I'll go and make my self useful." you say out loud as you turn around and head to the royal navy
dorms. The next thing you do should be doing is to find Dido.
You walk around the royal navy dorms looking for a maid to give you directions, they are usually walking
around everywhere, but you can't find any. Maybe the queen is holding a tea party, so you aimlessly
walk around. As you are about to walk around the corner to see if anyone is in the library to help you,
but before you could turn around the corner you hear someone say. "Miss enterprise, may I ask why you
have requested my presence." it was Belfast.
You shuffle to the library door and open it a bit so you could see Enterprise and Befast standing in there
"I... i have something to tell you." says Enterprise.
"Well what do I need to know." says Belfast. As she says that little Bel walks up to you, she looks like
she's going to go in the library. Not now.
"Little Bel" you say quietly. She walks over to you and does a curtsy, not as perfect as Belfast, but she's
getting there.
"Yes commander, how can I be of service." she says.
"Just stay out of there for a bit, ok" you say and she nods.
"Does the commander want some tea?" says Little Bel and you agree.
"Yes please." you say as she pours you tea from a kettle she got from somewhere, maid magic? "Thank you." you say as you continue listening.
"Say that again." says Belfast, looks like you missed some parts, dammit.
"I... i... you..." you could see that Enterprises brain had stopped working. She then manages to compose herself. "I used to feel like love was beyond me, to be the perfect soldier, and then what
happened with Yorktown, I...I...I lost myself, in my rage, and I, I realise what you mean to me, and..." she
is shaking.
"You ok miss Enterprise."
"I wanted to see if you wanted to take this further, that is, if you want to of course." she says and you
can see how useless she is at this sort of thing.
"Miss enterprise, how far are you willing to go?"Belfast says, seems like she is getting the point.
"I'm going to quote Athena here 'If your heart wants something, give it to it, because there's no pain like
the pain from the heart and a missed opportunity.' so if I understand that right, my heart wants you, so I will give you my all." she says, it feels great to you that the girls still look to your teachings for guidance,
although you don't remember saying that.
"Yes, i am willing to let our relationship go fever." says Belfast.
You decide you had enough of Enterprise trying to be flirty and you enter the room.
"Ahh Belfast, I need some help locating one of the maids."You declare and see Enterprise get even
redder, if that was even possible.
"Athena, how much did you hear." says Enterprise with a amusing amount of panic.
"Everything, and I can't wait to tell everyone." you tease.
"Please don't." Enterprise pleads.
"Ok." you say as you laugh. You turn to Belfast.
"So, what can I help you with commander?" asks Belfast.
"I'm looking for Dido, i don't suppose you know where to find her." you ask
"I do, follow me." she say as you follow her and leave Enterprise to her thoughts. It takes a bit of walking
till you find a room marked 'maid training'. The moment you walk in you see Dido curled up into a ball
facing the wall.
"Belfast... leave me alone... I failed athena... And now you won't let me punish myself." Dido crys and
your heart fells. You walk up to her and start stroking her back. She just continues crying. After a while
you stop and take a step back.
"I don't think you failed me." you say and wait. She stops crying and looks at you behind her with tears.
"Athena." she says, but it don't looks like she has registered it. Then you can see her click, and it took less
than a second for her to jump and hug into your arms. You decide to wrap her in your tails as you hug.
You both stay there for an eternity. Dido broke the silence first. "I'm sorry i could not protect you ,
please punish me as you see fit." she says and kneels down. Like hell you're going to punish this girl. You
would prefer to relive everything Alpha has done to you rather than punishing her.
"I will never punish you, you did nothing wrong." you say as you hold her.
"But master said..." she starts but you cut her off.
"Master was a stuck up asshole that could not do anything to save his life." you say with a bit of bile
building in your throat.
"But master punished m..." she continues, but you cut her off again.
"Master just wanted to get his way, he did not care about you, or punish you, he just used you,
something I would never do." you say. She seems happy with the answer as she nuzzles into your neck. You dont know how long you talked and praised Dido to let her stop crying but it ended when Belfast
opened the door again, when did she leave?
"Sorry to disturb you master, but the office has been rebuilt." she says confusing you.
"How?" You ask as you jumo up in total disbelieve.
"I belive Howe promised the Fletcher class as many cookies as they want if they rebuild the command
centre before night" say Belfast with a chuckle.
"Okay, sorry Dido, i got to go to work, but i could use you help later." you say. She nods as she get off of
you and you run to the command building.
The royal garden's
Queen Elizabeth POV
You are in the royal gardens having a tea party and restepping the last twelve hours. You stand up to give
a speech. But before you could start, or more precise the second you start to speak, a envelope hits you
in the face. You grab the envelope and see that it was addressed to Athena. How wierd. No sender or
place too.
"My queen what is that what you have there?" asks Prince of Wales who stepped up to the podium.
"A letter, weirdly one addressed to Athena." you say, why is a letter addressed to athena out here and
not in her hand, this makes you want to open it, but it would be so wrong.
"Well if it is addressed to Athena we need to hand it to her." says Javelin, definitely the right thing to do.
"As her queen, i have a right to know what's going on, any objections?" you say. You have no right to do
that you just want to know what's going up with her. No one objects. "All right then." you say as you
open it and read who it was from. A loud, "Oh no", is all you manage to say. This seems to worry the
"What is it my queen?" asks Warspite.
"Athena might not be who we think she is."you say to the confused girls.
"What do you mean, my queen?" says Hood.
"I'll read it out loud." you say and start.
"Dear Athena,
If you are reading this that means, 1. You're alive, which is good and 2. i've killed that bastard of a
commander you had.
No doubt you have assumed commander for the time being, but I must warn you, when the girls find out
about you, it would make everything you did to get there worthless. So take care of yourself. We will
meet whenever i am able to come to you.
Your hero
Nyxs the 1st
Siren princess" you finish and look into the others faces.
"D-did that say siren princess?" asks a panicked Javelin. Everybody starts to talk about what they just
heard. "Wait!" says KGV. "We can't make assumptions, we know that in the past, the sirens tried every
trick that they knew to kill her. So take this as a possibility, what if there trying to get us to kill her,
because that would make their life easier." She does have a good point with that.
"What should we do, your majesty?" asks Formidable
"We should go and ask her ourselves." you say as you lead all the ladies present at the tea party to the
rebuilt command building.
Athenas POV
Commanders' office
You have just finished a stack of paperwork, definitely the second worst nightmare after Observers
torture in your opinion. You lean back in your chair and wonder where Nimi is, you kind of all lost
each other on the docks. Maybe she will stop by to say hi. You let out a heavy sigh, maybe this is your
new life, I mean, come on they're going to send a new commander, but there is a high chance he will be
an asshole. Then the girls will probably fight back, and because you are proving you're good at this, their
next choice of a commander would be you. For the admiralty it wouldn't be hard to keep you in check
either, just threaten Enterprise, or Nimi and especially one of the little ones. You would do anything to
keep them safe.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
"Come in." you say as the queen walks in the office with a bunch of ship girls in tow, did something
happen? "What can I do for you girls?" you ask.
"Just answer some questions, ok." says the queen. You didn't like that already.
"Ok, go ahead." you say.
"Does the name Nyx ring a bell to you?" she asks. You think for a minute.
"It does not, but that doesn't mean it's not someone I used to know before my disappearance, i can
definitely recall that name from somewhere." you say, where did you hear that name before?
"Ok commander, did you ever talk to a siren?" you really don't like where this is going.
"Briefly on the battle field."
"Any other time." she ask.
"With the siren that is running around the port at the moment. "You say, can she just let go.
"No, no, we mean another siren not Alpha." the queen says making your heart or cube or whatever beat
"I do not want to answer that." you feel your eyes well up when a memory hits you but you thankfully
don't black out like the other times.
"Commander its not a hard question, yes or no?" says Cleveland. You can't answer that, what would they
think of you if they found out, what it they where discussed of you for being weak, for giving in.
"I... i can't answer that." you say having a breakdown, the others seemed not to care about.
In the hallway outside the commander's office
Little enterprises POV
You were walking down the hallway with Little Bel, Little Illustrious, Clevelad and the others as you head
to the school building. You however wanted to see the rebuilt command building. We got to the door of
the commander and stopped as we heard crying out of the commander's office. "Let's check it out
girls." you say to the rest of the girls. When you enter the room you see the queen, Warspite, Hood and
Cleveland standing over a crying Athena.
"Master!" "Athena!" say Little Bel and Little Illustrious as they run to Athenas side, you and Clevelad
stand in-between Athena and the queen and gave them a firm stare.
"Queen, what did you do?" you ask.
"We just asked some questions." she answers.
"Then why is she crying if you just asked questions?" asks Clevelad.
"We just asked a question and she did not answer it so I asked why she couldn't and-" says Cleveland
"I think you should say sorry." you says interrupting them as you stare down the queen.
"Sorry Athena. I should have known that this would be hard from you, we will leave now." says the
queen as she walks out with the others following.
Athenas POV
You have just been constantly crying as memory after memory flashes through your mind. You now
remember every detail, from the mind breaking pain, to the false hope she gave you by using her
simulations to make you believe you escaped only to wake up back in the cage. Then you feel something
go between your tails, this immediately stops your crying and makes you straighten fearing another torture session. Then suddenly you feel a small hand run down the back of the fluffy side of your ears, a smaller hand than Observers. You start to purr as you realise that its not Observer. "Does this feel good,
commander Athena." asks a small voice too, further bringing you out of your panic attack.
You open your eyes to see Little Bel using your ears and Little Illustrious stroking you tail. Where the mob
used to be standing now stood Little E and Clevelad. "Commander Athena, i hope you feel better now
that the bad grown ups are gone." asks Little E.
"Yes thank you for the help." you say with a weak smile and then you scoop all the little ones up in a big
"There you are, we're going to be late for class come on." says another little one, looks like a little
"Go on girls, we can continue later, but you have to learn to succeed in life." you say with a smile. The
girls walk out, this makes you feel bad for getting the little ones involved but its not like you had any
choice in the matter. You sat back down and looked through the window and stared out of the window
down at the port. Your eyelids feel heavy from all this stress and so you just shut them.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
You jump up as you hear a knock on the door. Looking at the clock you slept for around 20 minutes.
"Come in" you say as you make yourself presentable. The door opens and Alpha, Belfast and Enterprise
walk in.
"Ah good, i know i said you two can have time off, but i need you to go and check on the queen." you say
as you nod to Belfast and turn to Enterprise.
"And you, I need you to go and boost the morals for the eagle girls, they seem quite down." you nod to
Enterprise. ""And I need to have a chat with you." You say as you turn to the last one.
"Yes master." says Belfast as she bows and walks out.
"Whatever you need friend." say enterprise as she too turns and walks out. Alpha approached the desk.
"What you need, Foxy." she says with a sly smile, god you hate that name already.
"You need to tell me how to your guns work, i have never seen your rigging."
You see her slightly flinch and take a breath.
'I need to ask her about Nyx when i get the chance but that's for later. 'you think as she begins.

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