Getting a room

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Chapter 7
You slowly start the engine and head towards port, Nimi has not left you sides, she s been like a little lost puppy, this is weird you told her that she was aloud anyway on the ship as long as she answers the nearest radio when you call her name, maybe she feels like this is a test or something to catch her out so we have a reason to hurt her "is everything ok, Nimi" you ask you are very worried.
"Yes, yes everything is as good as it can be" she says with I nervous chuckle
"You think that I am just giving you false hope, so it hurts you more when I let them hurt you, but as a heads up I'm goanna have to say, something's that won't happen, but will sound awful"
"Ok... um I don't know what to think"
"Think that you're getting a second chance, they probably want to torcher you then kill you strait after but I won't let that happen" Nimi just stares at you then gives you a tight hug you finally dock you put a collar with a lead on her not tight, "it just for show" then you head to the bow and jump of the ship to land on the dock.
"I hope that you did not sacrificed the fleet for you toy" says the snobby queen. You see Nimi go in to a slight bow, this confuses you "at least one of you have manners" this queen is getting very annoying, then she gives you some hands signs, 'play along' this should be fun
"Sorry my queen, I'm very tired, so my responses will be very undignified so I wanted to apologise in advance"
"What wrong little one, why you so quiet, I would expect an iron blood girl to be aggressive, not like this" the queen says as she points at Nimi, she makes one wrong move you will be on top of her. The queen takes a step towards Nimi, you shoot her a glare to stand down, which she does. Let hope this don't get messy
"Elizabeth, no, queen no, my queen, maybe, yes, no. feck, why is this so hard" Nimi whispers, she breathing like she ran a matron, you put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, you here her breathing slow down.
"Please ignore my toy, my queen, I used her last night and she passed out, so she has just woken up and her mind might be a bit foggy" you say as you nod your head towards the commander. The queen nods slightly let's hope she understands that you just lied.
"Well, when I first met you, I would not have thought you to be like that. Looks like you are full of surprises" the commander says with a grin
"A woman has needs, like the need to sleep, do you have a room for me" you say with a wink, you can't believe that you're degrading your own dignity like this. But Nimi needs protecting, and you will do that.
"Off course here you go" he hands you a key to the royal have dorm with the number "664" on it. You give him a slight salute then pull on the lead as you head to the royal navy dorms, the queen follows
"Good show I think he brought it" the queen says.
"Thank you for helping me with that, my queen"
"That ok my dear, unlike him we help each other, but I got to ask when you said you used her is that true"
"What, no, never, that was a lie to make him think twice about walking into the room unannounced, my queen".
"Well then I wish you to the best of luck, that lie will spread like wildfire, just keep her on a lead, and make sure that she knows her place" she says as you reach the main door it opens you walk into an entrance hall. You walk in and head straight to you room as you open the door there is one single bed under the window a chest of draws and a table and chair set. "This will not do, I will not have this in my dorms, Belfast" the queens say. A maid runs round the corner
"yes my queen"
"fix this room make it look like it belongs here"
"yes my queen" with that she runs off

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